Thursday, October 23, 2008

Random Updates

From 10/23/08

We got Carissa a booster high chair, so we can use this in the living room or to travel to grandma's place. I bought the cheapest one from Wal*Mart for $19.99. I don't like the tray, it's hard to put it on and take them off.. I guess what can u expect for $19.99 item.

From 10/23/08

My mom bought her a LOT of Batik Dresses, so I'm trying to integrate with the season in here. So this is what I came up with :D we went to the library like this but she wore her tights with it.. she looks adorable!! :)

From 10/23/08

Last weekend AJ came to play with icha remember? AJ tought her how to open one of the drawers that Icha usually couldn't open it. Now she can.. and she found this lid.. and thought that it's a hat.

From 10/23/08

Last but not least... this picture is from this morning, she was waiting for me so we can go to the indoor playground.

*sigh* Now I know why moms sometime fight with others mom while the kids don't care.
Well Carissa was playing with this Jeep Car and there's a boy who probably a lil bit older than her but he's bigger.. and he wanted to play with the toy too, so he pushed her down.. and I thought he was helping her to get up, but NO he was hitting Carissa. Carissa who never been hit.. screamed out loud.. and this kid didn't stop.. so I had to run and yell at the boy.. Where was his mom??!!! oo goodness.. his mom was busy talking with other moms.. *sigh* bad boy! after that he only got "time out" aka sitting on his mommy lap. And then he took a ball from some other kid.. and got into trouble again.. *sigh*

I was really tempted to lecture his mom on disciplining her boy..


Iowa State Fans said...

You'll find out there are a lot of parents that are NOT proactive with their kids...get used to it :( I have run into this MANY times!

As well, you should have purchased the fisher price booster! I would pack up the one from walmart and take it back (they will take it back) and buy the fisher price one. TOTALLY worth the money. We got one for Brenner and it is STILL going strong for Adison too. TOTALLY worth the money. Take back the other one!

Laine said...

I hate to say this but I think that boy was part of a day care, there were two women attempting to grab him (much after you had gotten Carissa). And by law they can't do much about it other than maybe a time out. Regardless it was horrific and a looked terribly traumatizing for Carissa. I hope she better :) He was a brut...

Iowa State Fans said...

Ah, I am GLAD you went and exchanged are already glad you did :) and I know you will love it. We have had ours for YEARS and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!

Yeah :)