Monday, October 6, 2008

Cloth Diaper Baby??!!

So.. I know.. I know... I bet you're thinking.. "What is she thinking??!!! cloth diapers??!!" :D

Here's my new project on her. Since the first attempt of potty training was too tiring and I didn't have time for it. So now, here's my plan.. My goal is to successfully potty trained her by her 2 yrs birthday.

I was thinking.. maybe IF I change her to cloth diaper.. she will realize that it's not fun to pee on her pants since she will feel that it's wet. And while she's complaining.. I will teach her the "potty" sign. Every time I changed her diaper I show her the potty sign. HOPEFULLY, by the time she can say the word potty.. she's diaper free.

But yes, I am NOT looking forward to clean t he poopy one.

Mommy lil helper sweeping the kitchen floor