Another great day today! the weather was really nice. We got a chance to play outside at our backyard. Carissa loves to play with bubbles... she knows to blow but doesn't know what to blow.
Tonight is the trick or treating time in our town, so I got some candies ready and put my inflatable halloween decorations out. :) I got this lil guy 2 years ago for 3 bucks on sale at Wal*mart. :D
Updates: Nope.. wrong schedule.. ames is tomorrow night *bah* no wonder there's no kids out! :(
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Lovely Day
I'm a baby again
Carissa found her rattle mittens, and wants to wear them. So I put them on :D she was so excited clapping her hands with the mittens on :D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Today the weather was kind of decent, so I took Carissa to Ankeny, we went to Recess Go Bananas. There was no one in there, so I (yes I) had so much fun playing :D letting Carissa roamed around and watched me play :D
After that on our way back we stopped by at the Center Grove Orchard again to get some Apple Cider & some Honey Crisp apples. Guess what?! they had buy 1 get one free today!! so we got 1/4 peck Honey Crisp and 1/4 peck (2.5 lbs) of Fuji Apples. YUM YUM YUM!! I should baked an apple pie!!! I will bring some for my mother in law.. maybe I can make the pie over there.. hmm pie sounds good right now... *drool*
Anyway, we got home and then we all went to the park for a little bit, saw Meia & Burak. It was fun, we blew some bubbles.. bubbles always a big hit in a park :D
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Icha on her Trike
Remember few months back I got her a trike (tricycle), well that bike can be a rocker too to play inside. We got home from the library, she wants to ride her dino toy (see in the background). So I remember that bike that I got her can be a rocker, then I brought it inside and she LOVES it. She even can get in and out by herself without any help. Money well spent!! :)
Kimono in Action
Ta-da.... the next a little bit too wide. Next timeI will make it more smaller. Hahahah she's such a mini-me!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Matching Pants
So okay this is my very first time making pants without pattern.. so I just cut it by instinct.. so we'll see how it will fit her tomorrow.. hahahaha.. as far as I concern.. it looks so cute!! :)
Icha's New Kimono
Look what I made for her!!! :) I found this pattern from my blogger 'friend' well technically she probably doesn't know me. I read her blog religiously, every time she updates her blog. One time she mad a baby gift present for her friend and it's soooo cute. Anyway, if you want to make one, here's the link with the tutorial.
I bought another fabric that I'm gonna make for her. I think now I'm going to make a matching pants with this kimono. Isn't it adorable??!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Smart or Talkative like her momma?
Sometimes I wonder... do I have to be proud that my baby can say more words than other kids her age? or is it because the 'mommy's talkative gene' ? :D
She can say: Da-da (first word), Pappa, Tikky (my piggy bear stuffed animal), ball, baby, book, bye, fish, kitten, puppy, no, mimie (mickey), pooh, bob (sponge bob), mow (more), mama, cookie, baa (sheep), moo (cow), whats dis (what's this), whats dat (what's that), football, night night
From POOH |
Anyway it's a costume party, so I thought I'm gonna let Carissa wear her last year costume 'Tigger'

But I found out this morning, that the costume is for 6-9 mos. So it doesn't fit her anymore. After church (still crying by the way, at the nursery) she was actually did pretty well in the family room, but she just like to walk around and greet everyone in that room.. aisle after aisle.. each and every single one.. she will say hi.. baby (when she sees one).. ANYWAY back to the story... we went to K-Mart and not a lot of options for her age. Then I went to the baby section and they have an outerwear section that has pooh, tigger, piglet, when I showed the pooh costume to her she got excited and said "POOH". So I let her be pooh... :) I actually likes the Piglet better.
From Burak's Birthday |
The Birthday Boy
Then I forgot that the party at 12.. not 2! so Icha didn't want to nap, so we brought the 'no-nap' baby with us to the party. She was doing fine.. she just wanted to explore and see what's going on. Until.. 1:30-ish she decided to lay on the restaurant carpet *yuck..* and said "night night" it means she's sleepy. So we went home even before Burak blew his candle :(.
It was a windy but fun day... and am so glad that Carson is home with us. :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Coat
From 10/24/08 |
I got this coat from target for $10 yesterday. It's not a wool coat but pretty warm for rainy day :)
Isn't she cute?!! I think she's more stylish than her momma now..
Her mom only shop at Goodwill these days *sigh*
From 10/24/08 |
Before her nap time today, she told me (well.. signed me technically) that she wants a banana. So I peeled the skin a lil bit and let her hold it. She ate it like a big girl. Once the banana almost done, she gave the skin to me. Such a big girl!! :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So I took Melinda's suggestion, went back to Wal*Mart and get the Fisher Price one instead. Thanks Mindy!! it's actually much better and only $7 more expensive. Carissa loves it, she even had her snack on it. She doesn't even mind sitting on that chair the whole time. :)
It's weird how the North Wal*mart sells this chair for $29.99 while the super wal*mart sells it for $26.99 and Online sells it for $24.99. Weird huh??!!
Anyway, I'm so glad I got this one instead. It's so much nicer and easier to remove the tray. Thanks again Mindy!! :)
Random Updates
From 10/23/08 |
We got Carissa a booster high chair, so we can use this in the living room or to travel to grandma's place. I bought the cheapest one from Wal*Mart for $19.99. I don't like the tray, it's hard to put it on and take them off.. I guess what can u expect for $19.99 item.
From 10/23/08 |
My mom bought her a LOT of Batik Dresses, so I'm trying to integrate with the season in here. So this is what I came up with :D we went to the library like this but she wore her tights with it.. she looks adorable!! :)
From 10/23/08 |
Last weekend AJ came to play with icha remember? AJ tought her how to open one of the drawers that Icha usually couldn't open it. Now she can.. and she found this lid.. and thought that it's a hat.
From 10/23/08 |
Last but not least... this picture is from this morning, she was waiting for me so we can go to the indoor playground.
*sigh* Now I know why moms sometime fight with others mom while the kids don't care.
Well Carissa was playing with this Jeep Car and there's a boy who probably a lil bit older than her but he's bigger.. and he wanted to play with the toy too, so he pushed her down.. and I thought he was helping her to get up, but NO he was hitting Carissa. Carissa who never been hit.. screamed out loud.. and this kid didn't stop.. so I had to run and yell at the boy.. Where was his mom??!!! oo goodness.. his mom was busy talking with other moms.. *sigh* bad boy! after that he only got "time out" aka sitting on his mommy lap. And then he took a ball from some other kid.. and got into trouble again.. *sigh*
I was really tempted to lecture his mom on disciplining her boy..
Monday, October 20, 2008
Icha Icha Icha
From Sunday 10/19/08 |
This picture was from Sunday, we went to church and Carissa was alright I guess... she was sleeping when I got her... either she was just too tired from crying and then fell asleep when someone rocking her.. or.. I don't know.. but we will keep on trying...
From Sunday 10/19/08 |
Yumm.. cheese... I think Carson took this picture.. since I don't remember...
Icha is so good saying "what's this?" "what's that?" "mimmie.."(translate: Mickey or Minnie) and then.. "pooh.." (winnie the pooh) "bob.." (sponge bob).
She's gonna be a talker for sure.. just look at her momma.. :D hahahaha
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Kiss??!!!
From Icha & AJ - 15 mos. |
AJ kissed Icha today!!!! hauhauahauhauah
He's such a 'playa', Ringga & Vone came to Ames to visit us. We ate good food from Chinese Homestyle Cooking. Yum....
From Icha & AJ - 15 mos. |
AJ kept on chasing Icha, he tried to give her hugs and kisses, but Icha kept on running away :D hahahahaha oooo they're so cute!!!
From Icha & AJ - 15 mos. |
AJ thinks that's a straw :D
Go I-State..
Even tho they lost today... but oh well :D Icha was going to go tailgate to meet some of Carson's friends. But seems like it was way too crowded and busy and also bad direction from his friends, Icha ended up seeing no one and only went on a stroller walk. *sigh*
It was so frustating on us, I tried to pick them up, and they don't know where can they go since so many people. As much as I love Iowa State, I don't think I want to deal with the fans crowd.. sorry... no thanks..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Massage anyone?
Icha giving her daddy a back rub after a long day at work, she thinks daddy deserves a back rub. :D kidding!!! she was riding a pony on daddy's back :D I should train her so she can give me a backrub huh??!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Today Carson misses Icha so much so he asked me to bring her to meet him for lunch. So I grabbed some chicken sandwiches from Wendy's and picked Carson up so we can go see horses across his office building.
On our way back Carson picked out a foxtail grass for icha to play with. Until now I still can't get rid of that grass.. *sigh*
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Dr. Andorf is in da house
she's been on call the whole night.. so she decided to work on her PJs while sipping her morning "coffee" (aka water)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Batik Dress from Oma
Oma sent Icha bunch of Batik Dresses, here are some pictures of her in one of them:
From Batik Dress |
From Batik Dress |
From Batik Dress |
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Columbus Day
Well... today daddy got a day off.. but as usual when he gets a day-off he always get sickness.. no idea from where. Anyway, at least I got a LOT of things accomplished today. I went to a meeting at 10am and then went to the post office to drop off a package, and then fetch fabrics for shoes orders from walmart & Jo-ann, then I went get lunch. Came home, spent time with baby.. then at 3:00 I have a dr. appointment.. get my flu shot and all that jazz...
Went to Hy-Vee got some 7-up and chicken noodle soup for daddy, got my prescription, and went home just the right time when baby woke up from her nap.
That picture above was precious! last weekend, I saw how good is petra with eating by herself. So I decided to start teaching Carissa how to eat soup with spoon & using sippy cup. Yeah, believe it or not she didn't know how to operate a sippy cup before (by herself) usualy we have to tip it up and she will let go her hand.
But anyway, she actually did a very good job with scooping the wild rice soup with her spoon and put it in her mouth. Then I let her figured out how to use a sippy cup, and she did it!! yay.. then when she's done eating she showed off to her daddy with her sippy cup. :) she's so cute.
I have so many shoes orders.. and I only got 2 pairs done... :( *sigh*
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Minnesota Trip
We're back!!!! :) we went to minnesota for my brother & his daughter's birthday party. The driving was great, Icha didn't fuss or whine at all. We had a blast at their party, BUT Icha didn't want to sleep until 1am. *sigh* she was screaming like mad for the longest time, and we gave in (or maybe I gave in) I turned on the TV and let her calm down and watched TV till she's tired and then she crashed in between us.
From Petra & Oke Birthday 08 |
She woke up at 7am, then we stopped by at IKEA on our way back. Got her own crib comforter and pillow :). She LOVES them! :) the comforter is $14.99 and the cover & pillow cover is $9.99 and I think I will make more of the quilt covers by myself.
Click on the album to see more pictures from this weekend trip.
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Petra & Oke Birthday 08 |
OOoOOOoo guess what??!!! Carson has a day off tomorrow!!! since he's a federal employee now :D WOOhhOOOO but I have a meeting at 10am tomorrow.. *sigh*
Friday, October 10, 2008
Swimming in Corn Pool
Today we went to Center Grove Orchard, in Cambridge, IA. It's about 15-20 mins drive from Ames.
When the first time I saw the corn pool.. I thought.. oh my.. Icha would put them in her mouth.. all of them. But actually it wasn't as bad as I thought.. she tried some.. but she didn't like them.. :D hahahaha She had so much fun in it, till when it time to go she wasn't really happy.
Here are some pictures from the Orchard's Farm
From Center Grove Orchard |
From Center Grove Orchard |
From Center Grove Orchard |
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mommy little monkey
From I'm a little monkey |
Yes.. she likes to climb up the couch... I'm so tired to get her and put her down. Since she will repeat it no matter how many times I tell her no.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Let's go Fishing!
Stupid Amazon marketing strategy! Yeah I blame it on them. I was buying Petra's gift on and they have the super saver shipping for free if you buy $25 or more. So Petra's gift was only so close to $25. So I decided to get something for Carissa so I can get free shipping. I saw this cute puzzle, so I can't resist.. I had to buy it. Today it came in the mail!! woohoo.. Carissa LOVES it... and she actually gets the concept of the string and the magnet.. and all that.. which is so cute!!!
Oo by the way... 15 months update! just got back from the dr.
She's 19 lbs 13 oz (yeah yeah.. she's tiny.. we can see it)
and she's 30 inches long
Everything good.. we haven't gave her the flu shot yet.. maybe next week.. or month.. or year...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Who wants "Chocolate cake"
Well... she took off her diaper.. signed 'potty' so I thought.. wow.. then she headed to the toilet. I sat her down... she sat there for i don't know.. 1 or 2 mins.. and she got up.. so I was like.. oh well.. let's try again some other time.
She headed towards the front door.. squat playing with her stacking cake toy. and POOPED!!! *sigh*
what a wonderful day.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Update on Potty Training Project
Well... I think Carissa not sure about feeling the wet diaper.. she suddenly got so clingy and confused... :D hehhehehe. I really think when she really wants something.. she will learn signing really fast. Today she copied 'play' sign really quick, just because Carson was playing with her, bouncing her and all that fun stuff.. she was all giggly and sign 'more'. Then I asked what do you want more? and then I said "more play" while signing at the same time. Then she actually did the 'play' sign. Well not exact play sign to the T, but she made a fist and lift both of her fist up and shaking them.
More Play Sign by Mommy Dee
Ok back to potty training project, I emphasized the sign 'potty' everytime she sees me going to the bathroom, or when I change her diaper. So then.. she actually signed 'potty' and ran towards the bathroom where her potty is. But no pee yet, but she sat on her lil potty and read the parenting magazine. I think she just like to read in the bathroom.. But I think it's a big step that now she knows the 'potty' sign.
Potty Sign
I'm so proud at my baby, she actually already "talk" to us more than kids her own age. OOoo and she also already know "diaper" sign, so when she wants her diaper change or her diaper fell off and she wants them back on, she actually can tell us. :) How nice is that?!!
Cloth Diaper Baby??!!
So.. I know.. I know... I bet you're thinking.. "What is she thinking??!!! cloth diapers??!!" :D
Here's my new project on her. Since the first attempt of potty training was too tiring and I didn't have time for it. So now, here's my plan.. My goal is to successfully potty trained her by her 2 yrs birthday.
I was thinking.. maybe IF I change her to cloth diaper.. she will realize that it's not fun to pee on her pants since she will feel that it's wet. And while she's complaining.. I will teach her the "potty" sign. Every time I changed her diaper I show her the potty sign. HOPEFULLY, by the time she can say the word potty.. she's diaper free.
But yes, I am NOT looking forward to clean t he poopy one.
Mommy lil helper sweeping the kitchen floor
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Yay for grandma & grandpa
Today grandma & grandpa came to visit us. Carissa had a blast with grandma & pappa (grandpa). She even got a chance to play at the park with grandma.
I will post a video of her with her grandma playing "swing" :).
Thanks for coming to see us!!! :) we'll definitely see you soon...