Friday, September 5, 2008

Word of the Day

UPDATE: She also says Tikky and Baby

Tonight Carissa made up her own sign language. We thought it was just a combination of shoes and socks. She would make fists and move them up and down or side to side. We thought it was cute she was making her own signs. Well, at story time she pointed to a picture of the race card and repeated those signs and was humming honk honk. Well she was right - she didn't make up the sign - it was the correct sign for "Car". She kept repeating it for car. So her new sign for today is Car.

Words she knows: Hello, Hi, Pappa, dada, mamam, puppy, kitten, book, ball, button, no-no

- Sign language she knows: Milk, more, food, drink, please, thank you, your welcome, shoes, cheese, socks, ceiling fan, flower, hat, ball, doll, baby, all done, car, telephone, stars, sleepy, brush teeth, bye-bye