Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Bib

This is a life saver bib from IKEA.. it's only $3.99 for 2 bibs. What was I thinking??!! I should get more for AJ & Doodoo!!! Ughh.. I'm dumb sometimes. Next time.. we'll get you guys some..

It's so easy to clean and all the food not getting anywhere beside her face and hand.. well.. hair too.. Love this bib!

Today we went to her first Baby Song, Baby Sign, Baby Smart class here in town. All the babies are younger than her, there's only 1 boy that 14 mos. old. So I feel so bad since Carissa always want to explore and says hi to every baby in the class.. while the rest of the babies just sit there nicely on their mommies' lap. *sigh*


maryna roesdy said...

aduh, Icha kayak mau nyalon. hehe. Cute!
Gpp Des Icha nanti jadi ketua kelasnya dong yaaa...:)