Monday, September 22, 2008

Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day in Destri & Carissa's Agenda. We did NOTHING.. well I got 2 loads of laundry done, and clean up a lil bit. Then we went grocery shopping, but other than that.. we did nothing.

All we do today either taking a nap... watching Baby Signing Time DVD.. I think Icha get addicted to it. She actually learn a lot of new vocabularies and sign language at the same time.

New Word: she likes to say FISH.. but she only can say the ish part.. so ended up saying ishhh... shh.... followed by the sign language of fish. What else, she knows how to sign apple, and she likes to kiss puppy pictures in a book. When she sees a picture of a dog, she will give it a kiss.

The most use words in daily basis: book, puppy, baby, dada, pappa, bunny, ish (fish), bye.. (or daaaa <-- bye in indonesian language), and hi..

She loves to say hi to people at the library, she will come up to the person who works in the library and says hi.

Newest cuteness: we open the gate to the hallway now, so now she can actually follow me to the bathroom. I put her potty chair next to the toilet, so when I went to the bathroom, she always comes with me, and coppying what I do. She lift her toilet seat up, and I help her sit on her potty (with diaper on), and she made the "sshhhhhhhhhhhhh" sounds. When I'm done, she gets up, and flushed her lil potty. Then we both wash our hands :).


Sucre Maple said...

pandai ya icha, kosa katanya dah lumayan byk... si icha sama dgn matt suka shhhh waktu disuruh pipis.. hihii...

Destri Andorf said...

itu either pinter kosa kata banyak.. atau bawel :D huahauahuah turunan dr mama nya :D