Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Must have item!!! Nosefrida

For those of you who has baby with stuffy/runny nose, I REALLY recommend to buy this product. It called NOSEFRIDA, it's a nasal aspirator that works like a charm. Get rid of those bulb srynge and get this one for real. It's $15 but it's money well spent.

Carissa been having runny nose since last saturday, and it's driving me insane hearing her breathing from her mouth. I don't like mouth breather, anyway so I was so tired from a slepless night because she kept on waking up from stuffy nose. I was desperate googling for the best baby nasal aspirator and I stumbled upon this product. From the picture it looks nasty.. because here's how you actually use the product:

But I would do anything to make sure my baby nose cleared up. Plus back home my dad used to manually suck our nose to clean up our runny nose, instead of using those syringe. So this product actually using the same method but cleaner way.

We got it in the mail today and I tried it right away. I should say I am so excite!!! I want to tell all the moms I know to get this product. So happy to see all those mucous in the tube when I cleaned her nose. By the way, there's NO way you will get her mucous in your mouth, they have a filter in between the tube and the suction tube.

Anyway... I'm just so excited about this product!!! :)


Lisa said...

Yah Des, kalo CĂ©lia sih ngga mempan pake nasal aspirator manual krn dia itu berontak2. Akhirnya gue beli lagi yg elektrik yg kayak ini nih

Sucre Maple said...

iya betul tuh, must have item.. klu pilek matt ngak makan obat, cuma kita hrs rajin isep ingusnya + pake serum, ntar jg sembuh sendiri..