This little sweet heart has been living with us for 14 months, and I'm so surprised how only in 14 months, she turns our life upside down in a good way. Today we were busy doing activities outside our home. First we went to the indoor play ground at the Ames City Hall. It's only 75 cents per child to get in.She loves to ride on those plastic cars.. she's so cute..
Then we went back home for a nap & lunch. After that, off we go to the post office and the library as always.. She play a lil bit with some older kids, after about an hour playing and socializing we went to Mommy's favorite store... Jo-Ann to get more fabrics for shoes.
Then we went back home for another nap... by the way the library has Signing Time DVD! so we borrowed 2 dvds :).
Alright... now... updates on her schedule, skills, etc etc.. (i know.. I like to brag about her)
- She still taking 2 naps per day, usually between 9-11am and between 2-4ish pm, then she went to bed between 7-7:30-ish and wakes up between 7-8 am. Nice huh??!!
- She has about 11 teeth so far (4 top and 7 bottom)
- Food: everything that we eat (even curry :D) and she drink whole milk only with strawberry nesquick otherwise she won't drink plain whole milk and soy milk once in a while.
- Down to 1 nursing per day.
- Words she knows: Hello, Hi, Pappa, dada, mamam (so french), puppy, kitten, book, ball
- Sign language she knows: Milk, more, food, drink, please, thank you, shoes, cheese, socks, ceiling fan, flower, hat, ball, doll, baby, all done
- her fave tv shows: The big comfy couch, mickey mouse club house, baby signing time, king of the hill (please don't ask me why and how she likes that show).
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