Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Daddy & Baby

Love this picture! when Carson comes home from work, usually he always play with Icha. This is one of the precious moments of the two of them spending quality time watching Baby Signing Time DVD. *sigh* yes.. yes.. I know.. she watch too much TV.. and yes yes I know people saying that it can damage your baby's brain.. *whatever*

Once you have kids and you need to get something done.. DVD is you best friend & free sitter! just wait for your turn people you will know what I'm talking about.

Any how.. she's so look like me!!! well except she's much prettier.. her hair matches with her daddy's hair now.. which is so cute.. she loves her milk now.. she can drink 4 bottles of 8 oz whole milk every day. She also loves rice :) she never can get enough of just plain jasmine rice.

Okay time to go to bed for mommy..