Friday, September 5, 2008

i love my baby so much

From 090208

I wish I can protect her from all the germs in the world.. *sigh* she has runny nose now... no fever (thank God). But she's not that happy with her runny nose, and she doesn't like to get her nose cleaned. I kept on teaching her how to blow her nose, and she snort instead of blowing... *oh well* so I decided to bring her upstairs to her room, get the bulb syringe, while I hold her in a cradle position I started cleaning her nose. She cried.. she screamed.. she tried to escape...

So once I'm done, I let her go... thinking.. she must hated me by now. But once I let her go, guess what she did? she came up to me and give me a hug.. still screaming.. but hugging me.. This is so precious...

Poor baby... I wish she knows that all I do is for her benefit.. not to hurt her..

We've been very busy today, despite her runny nose, we managed to get some errands done.. now 4:17pm and I finally can sit down and ate my lunch. Now I need to start cleaning... *sigh*


PS: her daddy complained that she actually know how to say more words than what I wrote on the last post. I don't remember all the words that she knows.. I will let Carson write a post on that one.. i need to clean...


maryna roesdy said...

Get well soon Icha.. Kamu cantik banget deh, tante Ryna gemezzzz niy *dikilik-kilik pipinya*
Des, blognya aku link yah. tx.