Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Kindermusik class
Today we went to her music class, she was so good today. I think the key is 1 activity before her nap.
She's so smart! do you know that? :D heheh anyway we were doing an activity called "riding on a pony" this is an activity where you put your kid on your lap and bounce her while you sing. At the end of the class, Miss Judy (the teacher) let us play with bouncy balls. Carissa LOVES the balls, so she was holding one ball and Miss Judy told all the moms to put the baby on the ball and use the ball as a pony. Well Carissa was far away from me, and I just let her do whatever she wants :D
When miss Judy start singing "we're riding on a pony... " Carissa bounced the ball following the rhythm and there's the part where we tilt the baby to the left and right, she actually stop bouncing the ball and tilt herself to the left and the right. I was so teary (I know.. I'm so mellow) looking at my baby so smart!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Nothing Much...
Just Chillin... these days she likes to sit on the couch and watch her favorite DVD.. Baby Signing Time.. yeap.. or sometimes when we both just too tired to do anything we watch sponge bob..
She loves her mickey mouse, in fact we have 2 of them! 1 in a car and 1 in her crib. Well.. I thought we lost the first one, then I got her the second one.. then we went to Carissa's music class and the teacher told me she left it in the class last week.
So anyway, we just went back from Play Pal time at the city hall.. met a new mom from iowamoms.net. She's really cool, she has 2 children, caity (3.5 yrs) and ethan (19 mos). Carissa was so tired by 10:30 so she decided to say bye bye (translation: c'mone mommy.. go home..).
She signed crackers pretty good today, she asked for crackers from elaine (the new friend of ours). Thanks for the gold fish elaine.
By the way she doesn't eat pretty good these days.. she becomes so picky... the only dish that I know she loves is the Beef & Vegetables Soup (Indonesian Style) with rice.
Okay time to fold laundry... (or.. maybe not..) :D
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Second Hair Cut
Well.. yes.. this is the second hair cut.. her first hair cut was when she's 5 months old.
I just love it when I trim her hair.. her hair looks so much thicker. :) I will post the video later. :) Have a nice weekend.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Daddy & Baby
Love this picture! when Carson comes home from work, usually he always play with Icha. This is one of the precious moments of the two of them spending quality time watching Baby Signing Time DVD. *sigh* yes.. yes.. I know.. she watch too much TV.. and yes yes I know people saying that it can damage your baby's brain.. *whatever*
Once you have kids and you need to get something done.. DVD is you best friend & free sitter! just wait for your turn people you will know what I'm talking about.
Any how.. she's so look like me!!! well except she's much prettier.. her hair matches with her daddy's hair now.. which is so cute.. she loves her milk now.. she can drink 4 bottles of 8 oz whole milk every day. She also loves rice :) she never can get enough of just plain jasmine rice.
Okay time to go to bed for mommy..
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lazy Day
Today was a lazy day in Destri & Carissa's Agenda. We did NOTHING.. well I got 2 loads of laundry done, and clean up a lil bit. Then we went grocery shopping, but other than that.. we did nothing.
All we do today either taking a nap... watching Baby Signing Time DVD.. I think Icha get addicted to it. She actually learn a lot of new vocabularies and sign language at the same time.
New Word: she likes to say FISH.. but she only can say the ish part.. so ended up saying ishhh... shh.... followed by the sign language of fish. What else, she knows how to sign apple, and she likes to kiss puppy pictures in a book. When she sees a picture of a dog, she will give it a kiss.
The most use words in daily basis: book, puppy, baby, dada, pappa, bunny, ish (fish), bye.. (or daaaa <-- bye in indonesian language), and hi..
She loves to say hi to people at the library, she will come up to the person who works in the library and says hi.
Newest cuteness: we open the gate to the hallway now, so now she can actually follow me to the bathroom. I put her potty chair next to the toilet, so when I went to the bathroom, she always comes with me, and coppying what I do. She lift her toilet seat up, and I help her sit on her potty (with diaper on), and she made the "sshhhhhhhhhhhhh" sounds. When I'm done, she gets up, and flushed her lil potty. Then we both wash our hands :).
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday Morning with Daddy
This morning mommy actually slept in till 9. So baby and daddy were making breakfast for mommy.. isn't that sweet! :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Bib
This is a life saver bib from IKEA.. it's only $3.99 for 2 bibs. What was I thinking??!! I should get more for AJ & Doodoo!!! Ughh.. I'm dumb sometimes. Next time.. we'll get you guys some..
It's so easy to clean and all the food not getting anywhere beside her face and hand.. well.. hair too.. Love this bib!
Today we went to her first Baby Song, Baby Sign, Baby Smart class here in town. All the babies are younger than her, there's only 1 boy that 14 mos. old. So I feel so bad since Carissa always want to explore and says hi to every baby in the class.. while the rest of the babies just sit there nicely on their mommies' lap. *sigh*
Sunday, September 14, 2008
We're Back
From minnesota0908 |
For the very first time, Carissa finally went out of Iowa *woohoo*, this is a freedom key to us knowing that she's actually really good during the 3.5 hrs car ride. We didn't even need to stop for her.. we had to stop because mommy & daddy need to pee.
From minnesota0908 |
Anyway we left on Friday around 1pm and arrived at my brother's house by 4:30-ish almost 5. Then we went out to eat. Carissa was not really happy about sitting and eating.. I think it's because she wasn't hungry and she wanted to play and walk around.
Anyway, Carson off with his buddy to see a concert, then we all went to the organic supermarket. It's a huge organic supermarket.. IF i had the money, I would do everything organic.. but oh well... we tried our best to eat healthy.
Friday night Carissa went to bed around 9:40-ish, she was busy playing with her cousin. They had a great time together.
From minnesota0908 |
Saturday Morning - Watching Signing time on youtube (While daddy catching up some sleep)
Saturday was a busy day.. good thing she got some nap in the morning. Then off we went to eat dimsum (breakfast chinese style).
After that off we went to IKEA!!!! I was so surprise that we actually only spent $48!!! WOW.. usually we always ended up spending hundreds of dollars at IKEA. We bought Carissa a cute pink plastic chair, 2 stuffed balls, and 2 long-sleeves bibs, and so much more :D. Since IKEA really close to the Mall of America, we also went there. I think next time I'm not going there anymore, looking for parking spot took us pretty much 1/2 hr!!! plus all the stores that they have.. we have it in iowa now. So what's the point.
I let Carissa walked around on a 'leash' :D
From minnesota0908 |
I got that leash from Target, it was on sale, that's why I got it :D hehehe
From minnesota0908 |
Carissa shopping
All I got from the mall is some long sleeves tops from Old Navy for Icha.. they have 40% off for all baby clothes. I got her like 4 tops for 25 dollars.. and the good thing about shopping in Minnesota.. We don't have to pay for tax.
Anyway, we were so tired so we just went back to my brother's house and ate pizza at home..
That's it.. we took off around 10-ish and got back around 1:00-ish, there was no traffic at all.. which is good.
What we have learn from the trip:
- Carissa is doing great in the car when she's really tired and lots of toys
- DVD player in the car is a life saver
- Carissa can't sleep between us, she has to sleep in her own place/crib/pack and play
- No matter how late we put her in bed, she will still gets up by 7am
Here's a cute picture of my niece, she's getting so tall!!! still looks like my brother..
From minnesota0908 |
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pictures Time
I'm too lazy to tell you a story today... I'm so tired from making 25+ pair of shoes in the past 48 hrs. :D huahauahuah
Here you go... carissa addict!
From Random Pictures |
Nice hat..
From Random Pictures |
My sick baby..
From Random Pictures |
Enjoying her morning breakfast, while watching cartoon on TV
From Random Pictures |
Mommy lil gymnast trying to fit herself in the hamper
From Random Pictures |
Fresh peach from our new friend who lives on the same street
From Random Pictures |
She likes to climb up the ottoman these days *sigh*
From Random Pictures |
She likes to pick stuff up that she's not supposed to touch. While she does it, she keep on saying "no... no.. no...." but still holding the no no item.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Must have item!!! Nosefrida
For those of you who has baby with stuffy/runny nose, I REALLY recommend to buy this product. It called NOSEFRIDA, it's a nasal aspirator that works like a charm. Get rid of those bulb srynge and get this one for real. It's $15 but it's money well spent.
Carissa been having runny nose since last saturday, and it's driving me insane hearing her breathing from her mouth. I don't like mouth breather, anyway so I was so tired from a slepless night because she kept on waking up from stuffy nose. I was desperate googling for the best baby nasal aspirator and I stumbled upon this product. From the picture it looks nasty.. because here's how you actually use the product:
But I would do anything to make sure my baby nose cleared up. Plus back home my dad used to manually suck our nose to clean up our runny nose, instead of using those syringe. So this product actually using the same method but cleaner way.
We got it in the mail today and I tried it right away. I should say I am so excite!!! I want to tell all the moms I know to get this product. So happy to see all those mucous in the tube when I cleaned her nose. By the way, there's NO way you will get her mucous in your mouth, they have a filter in between the tube and the suction tube.
Anyway... I'm just so excited about this product!!! :)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Carissa's New Kitchen & Winter Coat
Last Saturday we went to Des Moines for lunch and visiting Carson's aunt & her family. We also went to the Pet Land where they sells puppies, EXPENSIVE puppies I should say! Carissa loves puppies, she even got a big wet kiss on her face by a black labrador puppy. She just laughed out loud when the puppy gave her a big wet kiss.
Then we went to TJ Maxx and bought Carissa's winter coat for $16.99, they have a lot of good deals! I got 2 cute tops for $1 and $3!! :) so happy.And here's Carissa's new kitchen (yes, there's a horse in the sink), sometimes I feel like I bought her toys not because she wants them.. it's because I want them! when I was a lil kid I always want a kitchen :D but I never had one.. so now I got her this from Walmart it's only $39 bucks online, and $45 if you buy it in store. Don't ask me why they do that.. I think it's the stupidest thing ever. Since the site to store shipping is free.. so basically what's the point?
She hasn't play wih it yet, I just finished assembled it together. I'm telling you.. it's a PAIN! it's like putting together those tiny collectibles display car. It took me like 2 hrs (maybe more!) *sigh*. Sometimes cheap stuff comes with consequences. Anyway, I can't wait till she play with it, I think she will LOVE it, so many things to push, open, pull, hide :D heheheh.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Word of the Day
UPDATE: She also says Tikky and Baby
Tonight Carissa made up her own sign language. We thought it was just a combination of shoes and socks. She would make fists and move them up and down or side to side. We thought it was cute she was making her own signs. Well, at story time she pointed to a picture of the race card and repeated those signs and was humming honk honk. Well she was right - she didn't make up the sign - it was the correct sign for "Car". She kept repeating it for car. So her new sign for today is Car.
Words she knows: Hello, Hi, Pappa, dada, mamam, puppy, kitten, book, ball, button, no-no
- Sign language she knows: Milk, more, food, drink, please, thank you, your welcome, shoes, cheese, socks, ceiling fan, flower, hat, ball, doll, baby, all done, car, telephone, stars, sleepy, brush teeth, bye-bye
i love my baby so much
From 090208 |
I wish I can protect her from all the germs in the world.. *sigh* she has runny nose now... no fever (thank God). But she's not that happy with her runny nose, and she doesn't like to get her nose cleaned. I kept on teaching her how to blow her nose, and she snort instead of blowing... *oh well* so I decided to bring her upstairs to her room, get the bulb syringe, while I hold her in a cradle position I started cleaning her nose. She cried.. she screamed.. she tried to escape...
So once I'm done, I let her go... thinking.. she must hated me by now. But once I let her go, guess what she did? she came up to me and give me a hug.. still screaming.. but hugging me.. This is so precious...
Poor baby... I wish she knows that all I do is for her benefit.. not to hurt her..
We've been very busy today, despite her runny nose, we managed to get some errands done.. now 4:17pm and I finally can sit down and ate my lunch. Now I need to start cleaning... *sigh*
PS: her daddy complained that she actually know how to say more words than what I wrote on the last post. I don't remember all the words that she knows.. I will let Carson write a post on that one.. i need to clean...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
14 Months
This little sweet heart has been living with us for 14 months, and I'm so surprised how only in 14 months, she turns our life upside down in a good way. Today we were busy doing activities outside our home. First we went to the indoor play ground at the Ames City Hall. It's only 75 cents per child to get in.She loves to ride on those plastic cars.. she's so cute..
Then we went back home for a nap & lunch. After that, off we go to the post office and the library as always.. She play a lil bit with some older kids, after about an hour playing and socializing we went to Mommy's favorite store... Jo-Ann to get more fabrics for shoes.
Then we went back home for another nap... by the way the library has Signing Time DVD! so we borrowed 2 dvds :).
Alright... now... updates on her schedule, skills, etc etc.. (i know.. I like to brag about her)
- She still taking 2 naps per day, usually between 9-11am and between 2-4ish pm, then she went to bed between 7-7:30-ish and wakes up between 7-8 am. Nice huh??!!
- She has about 11 teeth so far (4 top and 7 bottom)
- Food: everything that we eat (even curry :D) and she drink whole milk only with strawberry nesquick otherwise she won't drink plain whole milk and soy milk once in a while.
- Down to 1 nursing per day.
- Words she knows: Hello, Hi, Pappa, dada, mamam (so french), puppy, kitten, book, ball
- Sign language she knows: Milk, more, food, drink, please, thank you, shoes, cheese, socks, ceiling fan, flower, hat, ball, doll, baby, all done
- her fave tv shows: The big comfy couch, mickey mouse club house, baby signing time, king of the hill (please don't ask me why and how she likes that show).
Monday, September 1, 2008
New Fall 08 Style
White with black polka dots hat, no pants, purple shoes, and seems like small dog as decoration is out.. the new IN is monkey..