Monday, March 2, 2009


Okay... I know... that Carissa already have so many toys... yes we're so aware of it. But this toy is just so cool!!! it called Bilibo, Miss Judy from Kindermusik actually introduced us this toy at the class last week. So I had to get one for Icha.

This toy is so awesome to expand her imaginary skills. :D It can be a hat, rock, chair, shell, dog, whatever you want it to be.

From Bilibo

From Bilibo

From Bilibo

From Bilibo


Lisa said...

mau cari2 ah di sini.... main bubble juga asik ya kelihatannya. celia main bubblenya di daycare.

Laine said...

ooo you got it!!!! how fun!!! :D too bad my kids sick. bah!

Melissa said...

Icha looks so cute in these pictures! I think it's the brown colour that makes her skin looks so fair and radiant! Such a cutie!!

Sucre Maple said...

wahhh Icha dapet maenan baru lg, sptnya asyik bgt, ntah ada ngak di sini yaa... Des, Icha gemukan ya, makin cantik aja.. gw suka tuh poto yg pertama.. soooo cutteeee... =:)