Friday, August 29, 2008

Carissa Signing Baby

I bought her some dvds for Sign Language for Babies (Baby Signing Time) since we've been watching their clips from youtube and Carissa seems like them. All the songs are so fun and catchy.

Carissa has been watching the DVD for the past week I think, and there's the opening song that Carissa loves it. The lyric is "Baby.. Baby... Baby Signing Time.." and Carissa has been saying Baby.. baby.. for the past few days.. and I never thought of that DVD... but out of no where when I asked her "Carissa what's Baby?" and then she signed it right away. How cute!!!!

Today she also signed 'Cheese' she likes cheese.. and 'Doll' so 3 more new words for today!! :). I'm so proud of her.


Lisa said...

pinter icha.... bravo