Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sorry... it's been a while (supposed to be carissa's daily life) becoming carissa's twice a week blog.

Anyway, mommy has been busy making baby shoes as always and other stuff... plus the activities outside the house with icha... life is pretty busy in our household.

Here are some recent pictures that I took randomly..

Icha eating green bean casserole

This morning before going to the Baby Talk

I like her back view.. she looks like a big girl :) *sigh* I think it's time to bring her to the toddler time.. not a baby talk anymore :(.


Ira said...

lucu ya berantakan gitu.... icha mulai makan sendiri umur berapa Des?
aku coba ke Isabelle, malah dilempar lempar hehehe

Destri Andorf said...

Icha udah dr umur 9 bulanan maunya makan sendiri :( disuapin biasanya ngga mau gitu.. jadi kadang2 kalo dia ga mau disuapin yah kita taro aja di high chair dia terus suruh makan sendiri :D emang seh berantakan.. cuman yg penting dia mau makan :D. si icha juga ngelempar2 makanan cuman itu kalo dia dah kenyang biasanya.