Thursday, August 28, 2008

Brief Updates

Sorry... mommy has been very busy with shoes order. Anyway since last weekend, Carissa has been a chatter box. She loves to say 'Hi' to everyone she sees. She likes to wave bye bye, her words these days are: Ball, Dada, Pappa, Hi, Puppy, Kitten, No.

Sing language that she knows so far: Milk, more, food/eat, all done, please, thank you, (new stuff) hat, shoes, brush teeth, sleepy.

We've been very busy these days, I try to manage at least making 2 pair of shoes in 1 day and still taking Carissa out for an activity and socialize with other kids.

She loves playing with water too, she always bring her shoes to me and wants me to put the shoes on her. Then she will walk towards the door... *sigh* it means she wants to dip herself in her kiddie pool.

Anyway.. that's all for now I guess.. Oooo she has total of 12 teeth i think.


poetlodge said...

hey carissa.

thanxs for the letter toaday
& the funny hilarious-pics
of you wearing your chicagobear hat
& klowin' around&around
width your pappa
what a sweet smile you half
smells like grandma'z

best gift eye kould get
after a delightful
zurprise laptop for me birthdaze