Monday, December 29, 2008


Well.. let's see..

Carissa woke up this morning at 6:30 am, crying... so I went and got her. She signed that she wants milk. I thought her tummy already ready for milk since she was doing fine yesterday. I gave her half bottle.. and she threw up in an instant. Then she cried some more :(.

I think she just really hungry, she saw bananas, and she signed she wants bananas. I gave her 1 and she actually finished the whole banana without throwing up. Then she watched Pooh for lil bit and I gave her some pedialyte.

Around 8am, I put her down for nap and she down till 10. She woke up and I made her some rice soup (my dad usually made us this dish when we had upset stomach). She ate them pretty good. Still only clear liquid for the rest of the day.

But I was kind of worry since she hasn't poop all day. I remembered when I was young my mom usually garnished some shallots (red garlics) and mixed it with telon oil and rubbed it on our chest, belly and back to circulate the blood and keep them warm. So I asked Carson to get me some from hy-vee and I made my herbal remedies..

I rubbed it on her and then around 12 I put her back to bed, she actually slept till 2:15-ish and woke up so happy.. I checked her diaper, and she did it.. and no diarreha!! so happy!!!

Stuff like these.. I bet Carson or maybe all of you (non-indonesian) will think I'm such a weird mom who still believe in old fashioned remedy.. but it works like a charm :D

I just want my baby to be back healthy.. and all smiley again.. and she actually getting there... she's been eating and drinking good...

PS: now.... Carson's turn *sigh* yes.... he is sick... :(


MY BLOG>> said...

divi jg ni br kupake'in brambang n telon buat d ubun2 ama perut n punggung' td pagi panas ehh tyt melerrr hikzzz kynya si kecapekan lari2 terus ama udara nya nih g bersahabat' trus skrg lg bobok'
miss talking to u desss :(