Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cooking with Mommy

Carissa's favorite thing to do today, wearing her new apron from mommy's friend. She has an online store too, so if you want to get it for someone you know or your lil one. I think this is such a cute affordable and nice apron! Carissa loves it, this morning she got up and she looked for her apron and asked me to help her to put it on her.

Then we went to her music class, so we had to take the apron off and I told her she can wear it again later. After the music class I put her down for nap, after nap I forgot about the apron. But she reminds me.. she brought her apron and ask "please.." so I can help her to put it on her.

Here's the link if you want to buy the cute apron.
Thank's again Elaine! :)


Laine said...

You are so sweet! I didn't see this earlier! So cute! :) Thank you!!!!