Wednesday, November 12, 2008


From Brrrrrrrrrrrr

From Brrrrrrrrrrrr

From Brrrrrrrrrrrr

Yes, we were playing outside, and yes it's cold still here in Iowa.. but this girl I'm telling you. She loves BUBBLES! she has to play with bubbles.

So I put on her warm jacket and warm boots, and play out side for a little bit. She loves playing outside.

By the way, her new word... one of the words that I'm so not looking forward to hear.. "WHY" *sigh* yes... here's what happened..

2 days ago:
Mommy: Icha, yuk makan yuk (carissa.. let's eat..)
Icha: NO
Mommy: Why???!!!!
Icha: WHY????
Mommy: oh no...
Icha: OH NO..


Lisa said...

icha udah gondroooong

Destri Andorf said...

iyah.. padahal baru aja dicukur....