Monday, November 17, 2008

Look Who's Facing Forward Now?!

Carissa officially facing forward now, yesterday she weighed herself on the bathroom scale, and it said 21 lbs!!! :) yeah i know.. she's tiny.

Carson switched her car seat last night and this morning we went to the Bank, and she loves facing forward. I told her to see stuff when we were on the road, and she kept on saying "wowwwwwwww"

too cute!


Iowa State Fans said...

I love it when they can finally face forward! :) They love it too!

MY BLOG>> said...

about the wowwwww... gezzz why n why our daughter always do the same hahaha thisss wowwwww too cute to be true' everything shee woooing haha ichaaaaaaa meet divina someday okkk