I've been introducing Nintendo DS to Carissa for the past few days, since she LOVES puppies.. I let her play the nintendogs. She actually loves it, she tap the screen with the stylus and keep on saying "puppm" (translation: puppy). I let her bathe the puppy and watch them play ball.
Here are the pictures that I took from this afternoon.. :D
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Playing DS
Monday, December 29, 2008
Well.. let's see..
Carissa woke up this morning at 6:30 am, crying... so I went and got her. She signed that she wants milk. I thought her tummy already ready for milk since she was doing fine yesterday. I gave her half bottle.. and she threw up in an instant. Then she cried some more :(.
I think she just really hungry, she saw bananas, and she signed she wants bananas. I gave her 1 and she actually finished the whole banana without throwing up. Then she watched Pooh for lil bit and I gave her some pedialyte.
Around 8am, I put her down for nap and she down till 10. She woke up and I made her some rice soup (my dad usually made us this dish when we had upset stomach). She ate them pretty good. Still only clear liquid for the rest of the day.
But I was kind of worry since she hasn't poop all day. I remembered when I was young my mom usually garnished some shallots (red garlics) and mixed it with telon oil and rubbed it on our chest, belly and back to circulate the blood and keep them warm. So I asked Carson to get me some from hy-vee and I made my herbal remedies..
I rubbed it on her and then around 12 I put her back to bed, she actually slept till 2:15-ish and woke up so happy.. I checked her diaper, and she did it.. and no diarreha!! so happy!!!
Stuff like these.. I bet Carson or maybe all of you (non-indonesian) will think I'm such a weird mom who still believe in old fashioned remedy.. but it works like a charm :D
I just want my baby to be back healthy.. and all smiley again.. and she actually getting there... she's been eating and drinking good...
PS: now.... Carson's turn *sigh* yes.... he is sick... :(
Saturday, December 27, 2008
stomach flu bug in the Andorfs household
Started with Carissa's grandpa got one and then grandma got one, then few days later mommy got it for 24 hrs only (thank God!) it was miserable. I woke up at 4am and started throwing up till about 10 am. I even fell asleep on the bathroom floor since there's no point sleeping in the bedroom. Then got some diarrhea some more... woohoo..
Anyway I got mine done and over with, but suddenly Carissa got it.. poor girl.. she's been throwing up since 2am said Carson since he was sleeping with her. I was trying to get more rest so I took nyquil and slept in different room.
She's feeling much better now I think, she acts like she's healthy but she is so not... hopefully we can go home tomorrow.. healthy!!! hopefully... Carissa took 2 naps today so she rest pretty well.
OOooOO Wonderful Christmas... next year if any of us sick again... Christmas will be postponed for sure... no offense,... but this sickness is not fun :(
At least I'm so grateful that we have grandma & grandpa who can take care of us when we're sick! (including cleaning the vomited carpet, clothes, sheets) :) Thank you so much... we love you...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Mommy & Auntie Vone Made me a hat!
Look what auntie vone & mommy made me today. They made me a reversible fleece hat, so now we all have matching hat! :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Another Lovely Snowy Day
School is closed!!! it means.. Carson is at home with us!!!! YAY!!!!
I put Carissa's snow pants and bundled her up, and let her play outside a lil bit. Enjoy the pictures!!! I don't think we could not get out from our driveway even if we wanted to.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Gifts from Indonesia
Yay the package is here, my cyber friend from back home sent us a package. Carissa got 2 play mats (more like musical mat). One set of Pizza toy, and a VCD (another form of dvd before dvd came out) of Mickey Mouse clubhouse! :) Thank you tante donna
Mickey Mouse Fanatic
We were so bored yesterday, we couldn't go out since the weather wasn't that great at all. So we stayed at home the whole day. I think Carissa got bored and started acting up. She climbed up her table and thinks it's funny to bounce on her table. Guess what?! time out for her...
Anyway long story short.. I had to put away the table.. since she's not being good at all yesterday.. ugh....
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Busy Saturday
Today we supposed to have a playdate lunch with my friend, but since Icha took 2-hrs nap. We changed it to playdate dessert time. I went and got some desserts from The Cafe and went to her place. It was fun and the dessert was yummy!!!!
Here's a picture of Carissa & Ethan watching Baby Einstein on the couch :DAnd then here's the picture of the tree of them on the couch
After that we went to Nina's 1 yr birthday party, Carissa had a blast at the party even though she was so tired, but she had so much fun at Nina's party.
Here are some pictures from the parties
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Playdate & Laundry Day (for elaine :D)
Last night I was chatting with my friend elaine, and I asked her what is she going to do tomorrow (which is today). She said "ooo... laundry". So I offered her my laundry machine, and she said YES :D hihihihi. So she came over with her 22 months old son, and we talked.. play.. whatever.. :D while she did her laundry.
Then snack time for her son, so Elaine got her snack container and put it on Carissa's Mickey table and let Ethan sat and have his snack. Carissa... took her pink stool, put it next to Ethan, and without asking start eating his gold fish crackers. Oooo by the way, she knows how to say crackers now. So cute!
Anyway, here are some pictures from today:
From Playdate with Ethan |
From Playdate with Ethan |
From Playdate with Ethan |
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Oooo Carissa... Carissa...
This is Carissa's personal computer, I put my old computer for her to play her elmo games and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Call me crazy, but she actually know how to replay the movie when it finished (she clicks the space bar key). Anyway tonight after dinner, she still wanted cheese, so I gave her some cheese, and look where's the cheese ended up?!! very nice huh??!!
And yes, my lil gymnast... she likes to show off to people how she can balanced herself in a narrow surface.. such as ON TOP of my PRINTER!!!! *sigh*
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kindermusik Queen
Today we went to Carissa's music class despite the nasty weather that we had. Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe the new set of tires does help my car too. So the road was alright, I even got a chance to do some fabric errand and mail some shoes out today.
We got to the class on-time and Carissa had a great time (as always) in the class. She loves to walk around and dance and run. At least now most of the babies are mobile now so I don't feel as bad as I used to be when the first few weeks the class just started. Since there are only 2 other kid that around Carissa's age. But They're not as hyper as Carissa.
Anyway, today Miss Judy let the kids play with this rattle toys. Miss Judy let the kids get the rattle by themselves from the plastic bin. Next thing I knew, Miss Judy told me to look what's Carissa doing. There she is.. acting like she's the queen of the class. Sitting IN the plastic bin.
Carissa's House Art Work
Don't you just glad that nowadays all the color pencil or markers are washable??!!
Here's what I caught her in the act
and here's the master piece:
Baby Latte
Even Carissa agree, drinking a cup of latte in the morning is the best thing..
(to answer your question, it's no.. I do not give carissa any sort of caffeine, it's water!)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Carissa is so blessed with so many people that loves her. She got 2 huge Minnie Mouse from mommy's friends
Friday, December 5, 2008
Mommy's Birthday
Happy Birthday Mommy!!!! For full story on my mommy's birthday click here.
Today we went to the mall with tante (auntie) mony, then we saw Santa who just sit there with no line of kids for pictures. So we decided to take picture with Santa on Mommy's Birthday. It didn't go very well, Carissa was scared and she wants to get down from my lap. But I felt bad if I didn't pay for it.. *sigh* oh well.. still it's precious..
From Chopsticks |
Carissa got a giant minnie mouse from auntie mony from JC Penny for only 10 bucks! good deal isn't it??!!! I know they have Mickey at walmart but not minnie.
Ooo by the way, here are the pictures of Carissa using chopsticks. Believe me, she LOVES to eat noodles with chopsticks.
From Chopsticks |
From Chopsticks |
From Chopsticks |
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The girl who have so much to say
This is what usually happen between 5-7pm. When I'm already sick listening "Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!" so I turned off the TV and let her play by herself.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Last night I was looking for Baby Sled, since one of my mommy friends from the Kindermusik told me that the sled that has backing is much nicer for kids Carissa's age. So I was looking online and even called Walmart to ask whether they have sled in their store. They said not till next week.
So... I got an idea, I bought this floaties last summer for Icha and it has backing and even has roof :D so I used this as sled for now and since I couldn't find the rope, I used 2 of my scarfs :D
We tried it today, and she LOVES it. But it was too windy and cold for me to pull her *sigh* I need to exercise more..
Anyway, here's the picture:
Slept on the Couch
For the very first time, Carissa fell asleep on the couch. This is rarely.. actually never happened before. She just drifted to sleep while we're watching the VeggieTales.
She's so cute..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Winter Wonderland
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
This was this morning when we woke up, isn't it gorgeous? (Answer: Yes If we can stay another night, and NO: if we have to drive back because Daddy has a practice to go to)
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
I bet the Nunez must be glad that they're not in Iowa right now... *jealous!*
Now we're home.. safe and sound..
Thanks for everything Pappa & Grandma, we had so much fun. Mommy also got her energy back to do house chores. I already unpacked and did 1 huge load of laundry.
*sigh* back to the real world :D
Weekend Story
We made it! Back at home at last. I think Carissa already more homesick than I am. She's been saying bye bye since Friday. Carissa doesn't sleep good with us, especially when Carson around. She thinks it's play time when Carson around. So last night I had to kick him out from our bedroom so Carissa could sleep.
Anyway, here's the picture from Saturday. We ate pancake for breakfast
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
Then Marcus got bored, and he said he's too old for sparkling crafty stuff, so we made play-doh.
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
Marcus' Creation
From Thanksgiving Weekend |
Carissa's Creation :D (J/K Mommy made it)