What's new with my 3 years old? she still loves to dress up... and naked most of the time.. she's been practicing using scissors when she's at home. She ended up making mess all the time... oh well.. practice makes perfect right? now she already can cut her own tattoos and put it on too.. so she has 5 tattoos today. hmm.....
I made cute outfit for the girls for Thanksgiving and Christmas.. here are the pictures.. I still need to finish Cae's Christmas outfit tho.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Brief updates
Monday, November 8, 2010
First Parents Teacher Conference
Today Carson went to Carissa school for parent teacher conference. I had to take Carissa to her gymnastics class this morning.
Basically everything seems great considering Carissa is the youngest and the smallest little friend in her class.
She has no problem socializing with older kids and kids her own age, but she has some anger issue I guess.. I think she's just so easy to get frustrated. And the teacher emphasizing that she can't use scissors properly.. well... we never let her use scissors at home.. plus I don't think I want her to use scissors that often anyway right?
Anyway, hopefully by next year she will be much better.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween Costumes

Mommy so tired from walking!!! but at least Carissa had so much fun. :) that's all that matter right.. :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
After her field trip yesterday, we went to Mc. Donalds and got some food to eat at the park. We had our little picnic since the weather was really nice yesterday.
Cae play on the swing for the very first time too. Carissa LOVES to push cae's swing and ran away when the swing came back to her. :D
FIRST Preschool Field Trip
Yesterday Carissa went to her first preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch. She had a great time, they had cookies & juice for snack and got a little pumpkin :).
They went to DeMoss Pumpkin patch, about 10 miles north from where we live, so it wasn't that far.. I drop her off, and I went back home so Cae could take her morning nap.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
First week of Preschool
I got this letter from her preschool teacher this morning:
Just wanted you to know that Carissa seems to be making a good adjustment to preschool. She is enjoying the activities and seems to be pretty comfortable. She wasn't sure about leaving her pine cone at school today, but I assured her she could have it back when we were done.
Have a good weekend and see you next week!
So proud of her..
PS: Carissa likes to bring pine cone inside the house, so I told her maybe she can show it to her teacher since they have a science table and kids could bring something from nature to show it to other kids in her class.. so she brought her pine cone :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
First Day of Preschool!!!!
Finally!!! she's going to school. She's so excited this morning that she's going to school like most big kids do...
Today and tomorrow will be a gradual entry, so just for 1 hr but next week she will start going twice a week for 2.5 hrs each day.
She learned how to go to her classroom and put her stuff on her cubby, and sit in the circle and listened to story. Today's assignment in class was she had to draw herself on a piece of paper. She did pretty good.. she was so upset when the teacher rand the cow bell (time for clean up). She didn't want to leave...
Such a big girl... can't believe she started school already!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Carissa's Closet
I finally found a dresser on craigslist that pretty decent only for 20 bucks, so I reorganized her closet :D (still in progress tho) since it's nap time for her when I re-organizing.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Carissa First Dental Visit
Carissa went to the dentist for the very first time yesterday! she went to the same dentist that I go to. She was so brave, I was the one that more nervous than her! Good thing my dentist's older daughter was there and helping her out so she's not scared during the cleaning process.
Next stop next year, the dr. said her teeth are looks fine and no cavity which is good.
Last night she finally learned how to brush her teeth like an adult (with spitting out and gargling) :D Daddy taught her this :)
From Carissa - year 3 |
Carissa waiting in the lobby area like a rock star
From Carissa - year 3 |
Sitting on the dentist chair for the very first time
From Carissa - year 3 |
Getting her teeth cleaned
From Carissa - year 3 |
Showing her white sparkly teeth
From Carissa - year 3 |
Getting her tattoo after her teeth done being cleaned
Friday, July 30, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Her first pair of Ballet Shoes
This morning we went to Carissa's first shoes fitting at Performance Dance Centre, she will be in a pre-ballet class next semester. So we just got her first "new" ballet shoes :). She is so excited, she put on her "dancing" dress and her ballet shoes and start dancing around the house :)
I just think she's so cute :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Carissa 3 yrs check up
I am terrible... having 2 kids & facebook make me so lazy updating their blog. Anyway Carissa had her 3 yrs check up on July 7. Before we went to Minnesota, she did... eh.. you all know her.. lil drama queen. So glad that Carson came with us.
First she had her hearing test done, Carson went with her. She did great, and then doctor check up.. bunch of screams and cries.. since she doesn't want the doctor to check on her ears.
They did vision test too, she did fine. Finally the shots.. she got 2 shots.. HIB and Prevnar 13. She screamed and cried of course... hahahahah yes I laughed at her...
Anyway, then we went to Minnesota, she's all happy to get lollipop too from the nurse. :D
Height: 36"
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Birthday Party Part Two
Today we had another birthday party with her friends.. this one was really fun! :D we had about 9 toddlers and 5 babies plus their parents.
Good thing Carson and Aimee helped me with this party, otherwise.. 2 kids with only 1 parent with this big party.. I would be crazy! :D. It was super fun and I'm so thankful the sun was out and we got a chance to play outside.
One of my friends actually told me "it must be a great party when your kid go home naked" :D yeap we played with waters, sprinklers, sand. But I forgot the pinata!! so next time we have playdate at our house, we will need to get the pinata out :).
Here are the pictures from the party....
to see all the images from today click here
Monday, July 5, 2010
Carissa is 3!!!!
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Carissa 3rd Birthday Party - Part 1 |
Carissa just turned 3 yesterday!!! we had a blast tho it was raining most of the day..
But she actually took this advantage to play in the rain!!

At the end of the day she became really crabby so I put her in time out, she even got more mad so I decided to put her in her room for a nap.. she took a good 2 hrs nap. We saw a beautiful rainbow after the rain stopped..

Since it was raining all day long, the city postponed the fireworks till next week :( so Carson and Carissa went camping in the living room :D

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Babysitter
We finally got a babysitter for Carissa to help me out twice a week. We love our new sitter, she has a bubbly personality, always smile and laugh. Carissa loves playing wit her.
Today is her first day watching carissa while I cleaned the house.. she took her to the park and play in the basement and they went outside play with chalk.. When I went outside.. I saw this drawing!!! isn't it cute!!! love the picture, so I have to take picture :D
Cupcakes (again)
We made some cupcakes yesterday, Carissa loves the icing :D hahahah we made it from scratch and she's such a good helper
Monday, June 7, 2010
Scandinavian Day 2010
Last Saturday we went to Story City, they're having Scandinavian Day. Carissa loves the parade (well.. she loves the candies!) We had a blast, the weather was perfect.. not too hot and not too windy :) and best of all it didn't rain till we went home :)
Furman Aquatic Center
We have a new aquatic center in town, and we LOVE it. It's so wonderful and carissa loves it too... especially the lazy river. She thinks she's in a boat :D
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Oma, Opa & Auntie Monika Visit
Almost forgot about this one!!!
My mom, step dad and monika was here for a week last week (May 9-17). This was the very first time Icha met them again after 2 years! yeap last time my mom was here when she was 2 weeks old like Cae.
It wan an interesting experience. They have some language barrier since Carissa doesn't speak Indonesian but I think she understand. BUT Carissa doesn't have problem asking for TOYS from them :D hahahahah. She loves her oma, opa and auntie monika. :)
Here are some pictures from the visit.
Just a brief updates
It's been almost a month since I blog. Nothing really new about Carissa.. these days she's just being her :) I'm so blessed having her in my life, she hardly jealous about Baby Cae. She loves her so much that sometime when I'm in the bathroom and Cae is screaming she will run from downstairs and say "It's okay baby Cae, cici (sister) Icha come to the rescue!!!!" and she will talk to her and calm her down till I'm done using the bathroom.
Few days ago she had some small accident, she peed on the bathroom floor while I'm busy nursing Cae. Seems like she's afraid that I will find out, so she actually tried to clean her mess using toilet papers. But when I found out I was so mad and sent her to her room. She went to her room, put on her nap pull ups, turned on her sound machine and went for a nap instead :D.
Later in the afternoon she told me she needed to go potty, so I told her to hold it and go to the bathroom. After that I asked her, did you go potty on the floor or in her potty? she said "MOMMY... don't be mad!!! don't be mad okay??!! everything is okay!" hahaha she actually made it to her potty this time.
I need to make video of this 2 lil one soon... so I can post it.