Friday, July 23, 2010

Carissa 3 yrs check up

I am terrible... having 2 kids & facebook make me so lazy updating their blog. Anyway Carissa had her 3 yrs check up on July 7. Before we went to Minnesota, she did... eh.. you all know her.. lil drama queen. So glad that Carson came with us.

First she had her hearing test done, Carson went with her. She did great, and then doctor check up.. bunch of screams and cries.. since she doesn't want the doctor to check on her ears.

They did vision test too, she did fine. Finally the shots.. she got 2 shots.. HIB and Prevnar 13. She screamed and cried of course... hahahahah yes I laughed at her...

Anyway, then we went to Minnesota, she's all happy to get lollipop too from the nurse. :D

Weight: 30 lbs
Height: 36"