Monday, September 14, 2009

Random Stuff + Potty Training Updates

Funny Stuff first:

Situation: Daddy taking Carissa to the High School and Carissa was running around and found a water fountain that broken.

Icha: Daddy, water (pointing to the fountain)
Daddy: It's broken icha.
Icha: Daddy fix it.
Daddy: I don't think I can.
Icha: Daddy, Call handy many! (a repairman character in Disney Playhouse channel)

Situation: Mommy facebooking as always.

Icha: (grab mommy's left hand and shake mommy's hand) NICE TO MEET YOU!
Mommy: *laughing out loud*

Back to potty training.

Still the same.. no accident when she's not wearing diaper. She always peed and pooped in her potty. She always peed everytime she sits in her potty.

But I still don't trust her yet when we go out since she hasn't told me when she need to go. She just go straight to her potty.

BUT today when Carson took her with him to the HS, she actually told Carson when she needs to go potty. So Carson took her to the regular potty and hold her and she actually peed. WOW.

She still doesn't get the idea of taking off her pants before sitting down on her potty, like this afternoon she sat at her potty, got up and said "poo poo in the potty" but she actually still have her pants on. So she pooped in her diaper.

She's getting there... :) so proud of her.


Laine said...

That's so awesome!!! You need a "LIKE" button.. so I can click "like it" on all your posts!! Or LOVE IT! :)
Such a good mommy!

Destri Andorf said...

hahahahaha like fb?! :D hehehehe. Yeah she's getting there. So proud of her, plus I don't really do much on potty training her. I just adjust her position when she sits in her potty since she doesn't know how to sit all the way back so no pee spills everywhere.