Friday, September 18, 2009

Potty Training Updates

It's been 2 days in a row that she has clean diapers in the morning.. no pee at all. DRY! I was so shocked yesterday when I took off her diaper in the morning and found it DRY!. I even asked Carson maybe he changed it this morning or last night. He said no.

Same thing this morning.. her diaper dry, and when I told her to go pee she just peed like a champ! :D

I think she's almost there.. now she just needs to let me know when she needs to pee or poop. Yesterday we had 1 accident, where she was wearing pants and it was too later before she took off her pants off. But it was only few steps from her potty. Accident happened so I'm not worry and no punishment. :)

Love her independence skills! :)