Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Potty Training Herself

Carissa started potty trained herself since yesterday (or 2 days ago) I forgot. Since she decided to remove her diaper and I just put her potty in the kitchen area where the hard wood floor is.

Today was the big progress. She started her day with taken off her PJs and diaper. She said "icha do it, diaper off" So I let her took off her diaper and she sat in her potty. Nothin.

Suddenly she peed a lil bit next to her potty and I just sat her on her potty and she peed there. I gave her praises and just full compliments. We (or actually I) don't think giving candy as a reward is a good idea. UNLESS you want your kids has cavities on the first dentist appointment.

Anyway I went back to my laptop, and suddenly I smell poop smell... and there she was gazing upon her own poop in the potty. I didn't even know she was pooping. Another "poo poo in the potty" dance for her.

After I cleaned her potty, we said bye bye poo and let her flushed the real toilet. I put the potty back. Few mins later I realized the potty has pee in it and some spill around the potty. I guess she went peed again without me knowing.

That's pretty much what she did all day.. potty trained herself without me helping her what so ever.

So proud of her!! The only thing that we need to work on is she doesn't know that she has to pull down her pants before she sit in the potty, so she ended up wet her panties.

Give her a week, I bet she will master this potty skill. *AMEN* :D


Christine Wu said...

Congrats Icha! I don't believe in giving candy as rewards either.

Melissa said...

Aww.. so cute! Aren't they so precious??!!

Laine said...

mmmmmkkaaayyyy... my kids dont have cavaties.. and I did give them marshmellows... but still have to say AWESOME CARISSA!!!! I like your method much better than mine ;)

Destri Andorf said...

well i think genetic play in the cavities part too, I know people who loves to eat sweets and have perfect teeth. But on my family side, no matter how good I brush my teeth, floss, went to the dentist.. still I get a LOT of cavities. I prefer to prevent rather than sorry :D

Laine said...

a friend of mine has the same issues, but they do candy quite bit, but still many cavaties due to the way their teeth are deep and so stuff sticks up in those small places and can't get them out... hmmm wonder if a power toothbrush would help??

Lisa said...

One week ? wow, thumbs up for Icha.
I never give sweets to CĂ©lia as we are not fond of taking sweets and there are none inside the house.