Friday, May 29, 2009


Today we actually went to a movie theater together (Carissa & I). I was thinking about it all week, googling about how to take your toddler to a movie theater and all that. Most of the forums said "DO NOT take your toddler" since they can't sit still and have a short attention span.

But this morning Carissa actually came up to me and said "mommy watch up" so I put the UP movie trailer on my laptop and she watched it. I asked her "do you want to watch up?" and she said "YES".

So we went to the early bird show (11am), it's only $4.50 per person. When we got there the movie theater still closed, but Carissa went straight to the UP poster outside the theater and said "Mommy UP!" She got soooo excited.

We got in the theater, she sat by herself at first but she's too light for the chair so she didn't sit comfortably. Finally she sat on my lap the whole time till about 12:30pm, she knows it's lunch time so she wanted to go. Then we went home, ate lunch and now she's napping :).

Here's the tips for mommy who wants to bring their toddler to the movie:
1. Get to the movie late (skip the previews)
2. Bring their milk, juice, crackers.
3. Sit at the aisle so you can get out easily
4. They actually have booster seat if you need one
5. just relax, no body cares... it's a kid's movie.. most of the people in the theater bring their kids too.
6. Go to the matinee show.. less crowd.


VP said...

She's such a good girl. I can't wait to see mah babydoll. :)