Monday, May 25, 2009

Swimming day

Sunday, May 24 2009

We didn't do much in the morning since she got up around 9am (nice :D) but after her nap we went to see my college friend, she and her husband just moved back to ames again after 3 years lived in Japan and another 3 or 4 yrs in Illinois.

After visited them, we went to the Carr Pool (the ames public pool that will closed when the new aquatic center open in July). Since the pool is so close to my friend's house she ended up joined us in the wading pool.

We also met my other mom's friend. So there were Carissa, Jack and Alex. It was so much fun! Carissa loves the big pool more than the wading pool. But the big pool was so cold that day. Still.. she wants the big pool..

Here's a picture of Carissa & Jack (Amy's 20 mos old son) lounging :)