Thursday, April 16, 2009

Very Late 21 Months Update

I'm terribly sorry, I forgot to give you guys an update about her 21 months achievements.

Recently she copied a LOT of words and she starting to put 2 or 3 words together and make a sentence.

For example: "Mommy, choo choo book" or "mommy I'm stuck".

2 days ago she said the funniest thing ever. I walked into her room one morning, and she just turned off her fish crib toy. Here;s the conversation

Baby C: OH NO!
Mommy: oh no what happened?
Baby C: Fishy dead!

it's amazing how now she can actually start a conversation or follow one.

She's been trying to copy whatever we say to her by mimicking the sounds.. like Baby Goofy became Baby SUSHI to her. Or Princess, became WIWIS.

I'm so proud of her, now she even already recognized some letters. At least she knows that C is the letter in front of her bedroom door. Or A on Daddy's t-shirt.

What else... she likes to dance.. ALOT.. and she likes to climb on us and play horsey.

She will be very busy this summer... she will have music, art, and gymnastic class. :D

Maybe you all wonder what's the advantage of those classes since she's really young. I personally believe in early childhood education. I will try to expose her to as many possibilities as possible so she may choose whatever she wants to do as she grows.

Kindermusik class has been helping her so much in stop whatever that she's doing and listen to me. She learns how to mimic sounds.. melody.. but the best of all she learns how to share and interact with different kids. OOOoo and the best part is, now she knows when I start singing "jing jang jing jang" she will actually grab my hand. (the jing jang song is one of our class activities when we actually stand up holding hand and make a circle).

Anyway... that's a brief update from me :)