Today we went to Goodwill and they have 15% off on all clothing, so I picked a pretty color men's dress shirt and transformed it into Carissa Summer Dress.
I hope it will fit her.. I spent about 3 hrs making this dress.
Anyway, today we went to church again after 2 weeks skipping church. :D But this time I brought Tikky with Carissa, and guess what?! when I left to drop her off at the nursery, she only screamed for Tikky instead of me. When I picked her up after the service, Becky told me that she actually did awesome... no cry.. no fuss.. nothin! :) I guess from now on Tikky will keep on going to the sunday school with icha. :D
After church we ran some errand so daddy could get more sleep. Went back home and Carissa play with her daddy till her nap time. After nap we went to goodwill to get more children books (we got 11 of them!) Carissa needs a huge book shelf here pretty soon.
Then Carson need a haircut, so we hung out till Daddy done with the hair cut. On our way back, just for fun we drove through the mobile home estates (a.k.a trailer park) where we used to live... just for fun... checking out what carson's old trailer looks like now. :D But boy I'm glad that we live in a house now :D
That's it for now.. here's a silly pictures of Carson & Carissa from yesterday :D
enak ya disana ada goodwill gitu...
cakep warnanya des
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