Tuesday, April 28, 2009
While Carissa napping, I got a hair bow order.. and I almost forgot about them. So I decided to resign from making hair bows and focus on Baby Shoes. Anyway, after I finished making the order, I actually made some for Carissa.
I sent an email to Vone and Ramona, I asked them how long do they think these bows will last on Carissa's head. Ramona said 3 seconds, while Vone said
"Hmmmm... she'll rip 'em out if she can feel them.... they'll fall out if you don't secure them well enough (bc she has fine hair).... I give you at least one minute....maybe 30 seconds! :D
If I lose, I'll let you pick your favorite color nail polish from the makeup party and take it home for free. :D "
So after Carissa woke up from her nap, I actually took a video of her wearing the bows for more than 1 mins!!! :) hahahahahah so I won!!! woohoooo
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Living Room
Today was raining on and off so I decided to stay at home. Drank too much coffee.. ended up cleaning and re-arranged the furniture. :D
By the way, it does look like Carissa took over our living room. But the thing is we don't have a toy room.. plus the fact that the boys going to move in with us and take over the basement, we can't put too many toys down there either. So these are the only toys she has.. :) We keep books & stuffed animals only allowed in her bedroom :).
Anyway, recently she loves to bring a book to bed with her. So tonight, after bath & story time she picked one book and got up and told us "night night" Basically she kicked us out from her bedroom :D hahahaha usually she waited till the story done and we have to pick her up and tell her night night. Not tonight... she grab her favorite jungle book, and gave mommy hug and kiss.
She's so sweet...... "night night icha.... we love u!"
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away...
This weekend wasn't that great, since it's been raining on and off for the past 2 days. On top of that Carson got cold.. and now I'm sniffling and throat wasn't great either. *sigh*
Yesterday we actually went to run some errand.. stopped by at the furniture store in town that said they have a big sale, but the price still outrageously expensive. Then Carissa saw a bunk bed and here's the conversation:
Icha: What's this?
Daddy: Bunk Bed
Icha: *climbing on the bunk bed* Bunk Bed is COOL!
Then we went to the library as a family *yay!* and then we stopped by at the Wheatsfield grocery on our way back to get my lunch and Carissa's milk. :)
After that Daddy and Icha took 3 hrs nap till 4pm.
Today Carissa got up at 8:40am, so we missed church... then we went to King Buffet for lunch. YUMMM mommy ate lots of crab's legs :D yum yum yum. That's it... went back home Icha refused to take a nap.. but she laid down for a lil bit.. read some books by herself.. finally after 1.5 hrs of nothin.. we just took her to our room, and chill out watching Kipper the dog. :D
The greatest thing of youtube... you can find ANY thing that Carissa wanna watch from cute puppy to the wiggles. :)
After that we played a lil bit in the basement while Mommy napped... which wasn't a great idea.. I woke up with a major headache.. no more nap seriously..
Then Icha played in her book nook and decided she wanted to go night night in it :)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
My Kiddie Pool
April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
One fine day
Yeah, she likes to pick on her nose these days.... but the good thing is she learned how to blow her nose too :D.
We went to the brookside park this afternoon, it was a very beautiful day! :) I like her outfit! so cute and comfy! :) that outfit is actually only 1 piece and it was on sale from walmart for $5 :D
Hopefully tomorrow will be nice again, we will go to a different park :)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Carissa Playing Purr Pals
Here's the game that she's playing:
Basically it's like nintendogs, but it's more interactive. She likes to squirt the cat, and laughed.
"Turn" is her new word for today.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Shirt Dress for Icha
Today we went to Goodwill and they have 15% off on all clothing, so I picked a pretty color men's dress shirt and transformed it into Carissa Summer Dress.
I hope it will fit her.. I spent about 3 hrs making this dress.
Anyway, today we went to church again after 2 weeks skipping church. :D But this time I brought Tikky with Carissa, and guess what?! when I left to drop her off at the nursery, she only screamed for Tikky instead of me. When I picked her up after the service, Becky told me that she actually did awesome... no cry.. no fuss.. nothin! :) I guess from now on Tikky will keep on going to the sunday school with icha. :D
After church we ran some errand so daddy could get more sleep. Went back home and Carissa play with her daddy till her nap time. After nap we went to goodwill to get more children books (we got 11 of them!) Carissa needs a huge book shelf here pretty soon.
Then Carson need a haircut, so we hung out till Daddy done with the hair cut. On our way back, just for fun we drove through the mobile home estates (a.k.a trailer park) where we used to live... just for fun... checking out what carson's old trailer looks like now. :D But boy I'm glad that we live in a house now :D
That's it for now.. here's a silly pictures of Carson & Carissa from yesterday :D
Saturday, April 18, 2009
International Food Fair
This morning we went to the International Food Fair. It was great!!! we love it! even Carissa enjoyed the good food! :)
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Look at all the food we ate!!
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Veishea 2009
Lunch on Campus:
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In the afternoon:
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New Picnic/Play Table
These pictures were taken about 2 days ago, I got Carissa a picnic table about a month ago but the weather didn't get better till recently.
So here are some pictures
Dinner after playing all day
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Very Late 21 Months Update
I'm terribly sorry, I forgot to give you guys an update about her 21 months achievements.
Recently she copied a LOT of words and she starting to put 2 or 3 words together and make a sentence.
For example: "Mommy, choo choo book" or "mommy I'm stuck".
2 days ago she said the funniest thing ever. I walked into her room one morning, and she just turned off her fish crib toy. Here;s the conversation
Baby C: OH NO!
Mommy: oh no what happened?
Baby C: Fishy dead!
it's amazing how now she can actually start a conversation or follow one.
She's been trying to copy whatever we say to her by mimicking the sounds.. like Baby Goofy became Baby SUSHI to her. Or Princess, became WIWIS.
I'm so proud of her, now she even already recognized some letters. At least she knows that C is the letter in front of her bedroom door. Or A on Daddy's t-shirt.
What else... she likes to dance.. ALOT.. and she likes to climb on us and play horsey.
She will be very busy this summer... she will have music, art, and gymnastic class. :D
Maybe you all wonder what's the advantage of those classes since she's really young. I personally believe in early childhood education. I will try to expose her to as many possibilities as possible so she may choose whatever she wants to do as she grows.
Kindermusik class has been helping her so much in stop whatever that she's doing and listen to me. She learns how to mimic sounds.. melody.. but the best of all she learns how to share and interact with different kids. OOOoo and the best part is, now she knows when I start singing "jing jang jing jang" she will actually grab my hand. (the jing jang song is one of our class activities when we actually stand up holding hand and make a circle).
Anyway... that's a brief update from me :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!!!
We had a fun weekend in Brandon. Carissa went on her first easter egg hunting today. She got a lot of stickers!! since we don't want to introduce candies to her yet... so we put stickers and lil figurines in her eggs :).
She had so much fun despite the lack of nap & sleep *sigh*
But we had so much fun and AWESOME food as always.. I need to stop eating this week I think I gained like 5 lbs over 2 days :D Huahauhauaha.
I posted most of the pictures on facebook... here's the link
Thursday, April 9, 2009
More Gifts!!!
Going to School Already??!!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yum Eyes Jus
Carson gave me an idea to make our own popsicle for Carissa, so I used her juice and add water to it (she still drinks 50/50 watered juice). So we had the popsicle for her dessert tonight after her dinner. When the first time she tried it, she said "eyes" (ice), second licked she said "jus". So we named the popsicle Eyes Jus! :)