Saturday, July 12, 2008

What is Icha mean?

Maybe some of you wonder why we call Carissa by Icha (pronounce like e-cha). Well I always think icha is a cute nick name. One of my very best friends back home name Melissa, her nick name is icha. Icha actually based on Lissa or Issa, but since so many kids couldn't pronounce Lissa when they're young. They ended up saying Icha, that's why we call carissa by icha.

Anyway, my best friend is pregnant right now, and her baby girl is due this coming August 23. I can't wait!!! :) we're still pretty close considering we're thousands miles away. We still chat and email each other. When Carissa was born, she sent us some cute clothes & books & some children dvds for Carissa. One of the clothes she gave Carissa is this one.

so pretty!! and lotsa bling bling :D

Thanks Tante Icha. Little Icha loves the shirt! :D


Lisa said...

halo icha, sama tante juga wkt kecil suka dipanggil icha

Destri Andorf said...

tuh kan bener.. semua yg ada isa, lisa, pasti panggilannya icha :D heheh abis imut banget.. icha :D

Kycha said...

glad that she like it.. love the color that looks great on her pretty girl..

and yes! i agreed that nick name "icha" was soo..very berry cuuttteee.... lol