Monday, July 7, 2008

1 Year Doctor Check-Up

We just had Carissa's one year check-up. Carissa is doing great. She really likes the waiting room where she can people watch and explore. She did not have much fun at the appointment though. She does not like to sit still or have people stick things in her ears and mouth. She really does not like getting poked with needles (this is an Andorf thing) and she was really mad when they would not let her take the reflex hammer home with her.

Here are her statistics. I am also putting the Asian (Chinese and SE Asian) percentiles since early development is highly maternal.

Height: 28 inches (15th percentile American, 25th percentile Asian)
Weight: 17 lb 12 oz (5th percentile American, 45th percentile Asian)
Head: 46.1 cm (75th percentile American, 90th percentile Asian)