Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend at Grandma & pa

Carissa sitting on the famous chopping block.

Seems like all the grandkids have to go through a phase of sitting on the chopping block. Even Marcus still does sit on it. Carissa was eating a banana strawberry smoothies. She won't drink it from a bottle, but she ate it using spoon.

Anyway, mommy not feeling well at all. She got cold *sigh* no idea from where. But mommy getting better tho. Despite the sickness, mommy & daddy still went on a date yesterday. While carissa playing with her grandpa & ma, cousins, auntie & uncle.

Here's a picture from today before we went back home.

Pappa put her in it :D

Grandma not feeling to well today, so we didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Thanks grandma & pa, hope grandma feel better soon!!! :) we love you all


poetlodge said...

now that is a crock
of gorgeous radiant sparkling
in too deep
up to her neck & smile
in imaginary
saurkrat or pickle juice

feeling less rambuctious
at granny & grandpappies

don't fence my babydoll in
as she is a whirlwind&twister
redecorating the house
with toys&dolls&videos&cheerios

we love you carissa
your mommy&daddy too

luvtheandorfs plus koyoteman