I'm too lazy to write today, so let the pictures show you what we've been doing today :D
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Carissa Went to the Zoo
Today is mommy & daddy 3 yrs anniversary. We decided to take Carissa to the zoo. She loves the petting zoo, especially the baby goat and the duck.
Here's a picture of her and the kid
and here's carissa chasing the duck
Then we stopped by at the Learning Post in Ankeny and I got her 'Peel 'n' Play Veggie', she loves it! :) Money well spent! :D
Monday, July 28, 2008
Reiman Gardens
Today I took Carissa to Reiman Gardens here in Ames. She loves walking everywhere, touching the flowers. She pretty much exploring every where she can go.
The doll she carried around in the picture is Loonatte, from the Big Comfy Couch TV show. I guess Loonatte is her new buddy :).
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Pictures Pictures Pictures
Carissa wearing Batik Sarong (technically this is a fabric my friend sent it to me), she likes playing with it so I put it around here and become a sarong :D
Batik Jammies from Aunt Donna
And here's a picture from today, we went to church and tried to put her in the nursery again. I had to be there with her for the first 5 mins, they said she did okay today, only the last 5 mins she cried looking for mommy.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Picture Time With AJ
Today Carissa & AJ went to get their pictures taken at Picture Me studio at Wal*Mart.
by the way AJ is 8 days younger than Icha but now he's already 31 inches tall and 22 lbs! wow right.. such a big boy!
Here's the link to view more of the photos from today
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AJ & Carissa July 08 |
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Smile to the Camera
Smile, Icha.. smile..
Bigger Smile..
Mommy, now I can't see anything
I'm sorry for being lazy not updating her blog. I've been sick for the past few days since last friday. I'm getting better tho, just a little bit sniffly now. Thank goodness that no one got sick in our household from my sickness.
Since we went back from grandma's house, we let Carissa play in our kitchen area, it's easier for me so I can cook and she can help me :D.
These pictures were taken this morning, seems like she already know how to smile in front of the camera. Watch out world, a super model just been born!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend at Grandma & pa
Carissa sitting on the famous chopping block.
Seems like all the grandkids have to go through a phase of sitting on the chopping block. Even Marcus still does sit on it. Carissa was eating a banana strawberry smoothies. She won't drink it from a bottle, but she ate it using spoon.
Anyway, mommy not feeling well at all. She got cold *sigh* no idea from where. But mommy getting better tho. Despite the sickness, mommy & daddy still went on a date yesterday. While carissa playing with her grandpa & ma, cousins, auntie & uncle.
Here's a picture from today before we went back home.
Pappa put her in it :D
Grandma not feeling to well today, so we didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Thanks grandma & pa, hope grandma feel better soon!!! :) we love you all
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bali Baby
We got the package from Indonesia today!! well.. my friend's dad went back to Indonesia and my cyber friend sent some cute batik for Carissa through him.
This is one of the outfits that fit her right now, the rest are still too big for her.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gifts Gifts Gifts
Carissa is so thankful that a lot of people love her. :) I have some 'blog friends' around the world. I have 2 live in France and 1 in Netherlands and lots in Indonesia.
For Carissa's birthday, she even got presents from them. We NEVER met in a real life, we just know each other from our blogs.
Carissa got this cute toy from Ira, she lives in Netherlands.and then today, we got a package from Eva, she lives in France! Thank you Eva, the dressess are CUTE!!!.
and the far right outfit is from Mandy (thanks!!!!)
Anyway, thank you everyone! you guys are so awesome!!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Playing Outside
Today was HOT! we tried to play outside, she didn't mind with the weather.. but mommy doesn't like hot weather. I know.. it's kinda silly.. I grew up in a tropical country but I hate hot weather..
Anyway back to the topic. We went out for a bike ride a lil bit, and I couldn't handle the weather. So we went inside and just relax. After that I decided to let her play with the water sprinklers.
She had so much fun till I stripped her down to nothin.. :D then she wants out from the lil pool and called it DONE!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Fun with Photoshop
I guess I had too much fun with photoshop :). Love her new pictures tho!! :) and the fact that I actually have the hi-res files.. give me a LOT of freedom to do whatever I want. :D
New Photos
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From New Photo Studio |
Click on the photo to view more of our family pictures. This time we just went to Walmart - Picture Me Photo Studio.
It's cheaper, and I think they're look good :D. Not as good as the other photo studio.. but oh well.. it's wal*mart :D.
Let me know if you want any :)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Danny's & AJ's First Birthday
Today was a busy day for us. We had 2 birthday parties to attend. One is Danny's birthday in Ames and AJ's first birthday party. So this afternoon after Carissa didn't want to go to sleep, I think her molars are coming since her gum is swollen. So I decided to let her play since there's no point letting her suffer in pain by herself.
So we went to Danny's first, play a little bit. They have a big back yard to play around, so Carissa walks everywhere chasing a ball with the kids for lil bit. Then we off to Des Moines.
Went to AJ's birthday party, it was fun seeing AJ eating his cake.. Carissa didn't like cake (like her daddy I guess), I tried giving her a lil bit of AJ's cake and yet she still spit it out. Oh well.. good for her.
Here's a video of AJ eating his first birthday cake:
What is Icha mean?
Maybe some of you wonder why we call Carissa by Icha (pronounce like e-cha). Well I always think icha is a cute nick name. One of my very best friends back home name Melissa, her nick name is icha. Icha actually based on Lissa or Issa, but since so many kids couldn't pronounce Lissa when they're young. They ended up saying Icha, that's why we call carissa by icha.
Anyway, my best friend is pregnant right now, and her baby girl is due this coming August 23. I can't wait!!! :) we're still pretty close considering we're thousands miles away. We still chat and email each other. When Carissa was born, she sent us some cute clothes & books & some children dvds for Carissa. One of the clothes she gave Carissa is this one.
so pretty!! and lotsa bling bling :D
Thanks Tante Icha. Little Icha loves the shirt! :D
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Blue Polka Dot Dress
Carissa got this cute dress from the Latches, Still a little bit too big. But I still think it's cute :D
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Fsmily Portrait
We finally saw the photos that we took last Sunday. This photo is copyrighted by Small Dog Productions. If you're our close friends & family, by now you probably already get an access to see the whole album. Otherwise please email me and I will send you the password.
I LOVE them all, if you live in Ames area, I really recommended this photo studio. I love the fact that she captured the moment with free style. So no "tilt to the left, tilt to the right, 1.. 2.. 3.."
Thank you so much Small Dog Productions.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Petra & Carissa Swimming
I just got this videos from my brother, so here you go.. enjoy.
Nevada Aquatic Center (Nevada, IA)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Kiddie Pool
This afternoon the weather was perfect for a lil dip in the kiddie pool. Carissa had a blast playing in her kiddie pool. Tho this kiddie pool as not fancy as the other kiddie pool that she has, but she had so much fun with the hose. Here are some awesome pictures that I took with my Sony Cybershot.
1 Year Doctor Check-Up
We just had Carissa's one year check-up. Carissa is doing great. She really likes the waiting room where she can people watch and explore. She did not have much fun at the appointment though. She does not like to sit still or have people stick things in her ears and mouth. She really does not like getting poked with needles (this is an Andorf thing) and she was really mad when they would not let her take the reflex hammer home with her.
Here are her statistics. I am also putting the Asian (Chinese and SE Asian) percentiles since early development is highly maternal.
Height: 28 inches (15th percentile American, 25th percentile Asian)
Weight: 17 lb 12 oz (5th percentile American, 45th percentile Asian)
Head: 46.1 cm (75th percentile American, 90th percentile Asian)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Rainforest Peek-a-boo Crib Soother
This is the newest thing that happen to our lil girl. I found this crib soother from a garage sale for only $3. I put it on her crib, I thought maybe this will entertain her in the morning when I'm not ready to get up yet.
But this toy ended up becoming something that she has to have before she goes to bed. I put her down for nap/sleep, she will get up, turn the music on and rollover on her belly and go to bed. Sometimes she can even wake up in the middle of her nap/sleep cry a lil bit, turn the music on and went back to sleep.
This toy is so cute, it has lights, motion & music. Here's the link to see the demo.
Happy Blankie & Photo Time
Carissa got this Happy Blankie from happyblankie.com. It's so soft and snuggly.
It's so cute!! :)
She loves playing peek-a-boo with it,
Where's Carissa Go?
Today we FINALLY got our family photo taken. I'm one of the story county freecycle group members. One of the member own a photo studio and offered a free photo session. So we took the offer :D. I can't wait to see the result. Carissa LOVES the camera, tho she didn't smile that much *surprising..* But she did a lot of "pose".
The studio that we went called 'the small dog productions' You should check it out if you live in Ames area.
Oo.. after the photo session, we went to the nearby playground. It's a huge playground... I think Marcus & Blayke (Carissa's cousin) will enjoy playing there when they come visit us.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Nevada Aquatic Center
This morning we went to Nevada Aquatic Center, they have Little Tykes Swim time. Little Tykes Swim time is a special event is for children 6 years of age and younger accompanied by a parent or guardian. Cost is $2.00/person. It's a really nice place for only $2/person.
So we went there with the Subaktis too. It was fun, but it was too windy but Carissa didn't complain at all when we were there. She even went on a water slide with daddy on a tube.
Welcome to Carissa's Blog
Here you go, this is where her blog going to be. But if you're looking for her first year blog, you still can find the link on the left hand side of this blog.
Enjoy and bookmark this blog please. :)