Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Carissa First Day of School
Wow... it's been 3 months!! since I updated this blog!! SHAME ON ME!!
I have no idea who still reading this blog anyway.. :D
So today was Carissa first day back to school, she's so excited! she dressed herself up and get herself ready in the morning :)
Here are some pictures from today :)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Almost 4 yrs old

Carissa is going to be 4 this coming Monday (july 4), I can't believe how quickly she has grown (mentally and physically). I am so proud of her, she's a really good girl. Despite the drama & stubborness, she's a really good and smart girl. She loves her little sister, and she is an awesome big sister.
When I'm working and Caelyn wants my attention, she actually get Cae and try to entertain or distract her from bothering me. Tonight after bath, she actually get herself out of the tub, drained the tub.. put her pajamas on.. brushed her teeth and comb her hair like big girls do. Made me a lil teary seeing her so mature for her own age.
I <3 her so much..
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Carissa Updates
My baby girl will be 4 soon!! I can't believe it. She's getting big so fast.. I'm sorry.. I've been busy with my new hobby/business.. yes another business hahahaha Anyway feel free to check it out..
Carissa is .. carissa.. she's such a smart little girl who's curious want to know EVERYthing.. and she's so emotional. She could be happy for 5 minutes and suddenly cry the next minute..
Anyway I will post more pictures here.. :D
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
No Pull Ups whatsovere
YES!! we've been done with Pull Ups at night for over a week now!!! good job Carissa!!!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Birthday Party at School
Since Carissa's birthday is in July, the preschool allow her to have an early birthday party so she can celebrate it with her school friends. So we decided to get it done and over with, today 4/7/2011 (which is April 7 if you read it with american calendar format, BUT it's fourth of July if you read it dd/mm/yyyy format) :D what a coinsindence!!
I made some chocolate chips cookies for the treat at her school, and made some Rice Crispies Treats with m&ms for the take home treats.
She was so excited when I actually came and stay in her classroom till snack time is over. She keep on telling everyone that today is her birthday party :) and she brought her mommy and her little sister to school today. I wish I could stay the entire day and watch her, but my little crabby pants already ready for her morning nap. So we had to go home.
Happy early birthday my big girl.. mommy loves you :D
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tutu Bag
I remember I have this silky pink material from my friend's neighbor, so I decided to make one for Carissa since she loves her dance class so bad. Plus next semester she can actually go to ballet/tap dance class so she needs a bag to carry both her ballet & tap shoes :).
LOVE the result. I might make this again for Carissa's birthday party favor :).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Self Taught Step Dancing
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Carissa's Handwritting
Carissa's been in preschool since September 2010, when she started preschool, she hardly can write nor interested in writting or drawing. Now, 5 months later, she can actually write her own name even though some letters are still backwards but I'm still proud of my girl. :) I Love her 'R' :D
She will go to 3x a week next semester, and I will still try to enroll her in gymnastics, dance and swimming for sure. She LOVES to swim everyday she asks me whether tonight she has a swimming class or not. How cute.
Monday, February 14, 2011
First Swimming Class
She's unsure about this one (floating)
Now she's sure :D
I have no idea what have I thinking not putting Carissa in one sport that I love the most... swimming. When I was little swimming is the only sport that I'm allowed and good at. So I finally enrolled Carissa in a swimming lesson from the city park & rec program.
It's twice a week and only for a month per session. She seems like it a lot, she followed the teacher instruction really well and not scared at all.
So Proud of my baby girl :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Happy Chinese New Year
The girls (including me) wore red on Thursday since it's Chinese New Year day. We didn't do anything much. Carissa had school in the morning and that's pretty much it. She told me that she learned about Chinese New Year at her school too that day. She had so much fun, she told me 2 of her friends also wearing chinese new year dress too and they had sticky rice cake too for snack.
Love the diversity in this small town.
Anyway after thursday both kids are sick :( I blog about their sickness in Cae's blog.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Make Up with Carissa
Trust me I didn't tell her to do this video. I was eating lunch, she was done with lunch, so I let her play the computer. Suddenly she made this video, I just thought it's cute video and I edit it.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Carissa the Diva
After the video taping session yesterday, she insisted that we need to make more videos. So we actually did another 'cooking with icha' show, but I still need to edit it.