Thursday, April 7, 2011

Birthday Party at School

Since Carissa's birthday is in July, the preschool allow her to have an early birthday party so she can celebrate it with her school friends. So we decided to get it done and over with, today 4/7/2011 (which is April 7 if you read it with american calendar format, BUT it's fourth of July if you read it dd/mm/yyyy format) :D what a coinsindence!!
I made some chocolate chips cookies for the treat at her school, and made some Rice Crispies Treats with m&ms for the take home treats.
She was so excited when I actually came and stay in her classroom till snack time is over. She keep on telling everyone that today is her birthday party :) and she brought her mommy and her little sister to school today. I wish I could stay the entire day and watch her, but my little crabby pants already ready for her morning nap. So we had to go home.
Happy early birthday my big girl.. mommy loves you :D
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