Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sleep Training Day 03

Last night she was so tired, she didn't get home till 9pm. She screamed for her daddy twice and then she's out.

Haven't woke up in the middle of the night at all this week, hopefully she'll stay the same. She's been waking up around 8.. 8:15am everyday. Even I got up before her these days.

Our goal here is to make her go to sleep without screaming or crying for us at all. So let's the training still go on. (sorry no pictures these days).


Ernita said...

Oh my! Good luck, hopefully Carissa can sleep better! It needs strong will, consistency and dedication to make sleep training possible and you have it all! :D

Ira said...

enaknya bangun jam 8.... isabelle skrg semakin pagi aja bangunnya :(
succes ya ama training sleepnya