Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First Real Gymnastic Class
Finally we enrolled her to the Cardinal Gymnastic Academy. It's more pricey but it's more worth it than the city & park gymnastic class. The park & rec gymnastic class is way smaller and the "instructor" don't even do one on one with the kids at all.
This time we have 2 instructors, and both of them pay attention to the kids and help the kids out.
Carissa had a blast! she loves it. Here are some pictures from the first class today.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Last day in minnesota
Carissa met blue!!! yayyyy and we bought her big Linny! :) she likes her linny. :) and check out that smile. She's getting better with the "SMILE" instruction now :) so cute.
it was fun to see her smile and excited about lil things, from seeing all the characters and to see her cousin Petra. She always like to say "HI pet pet!!!" or "c'mone pet pet!!!" she loves her cousin.
Minnesota Trip Day 02
Carissa & Petra had so much fun together. After the museum trip went back to the hotel to take some nap, but Carissa refused to nap, so I let her lay down and watch her movie while Carson took some nap and so did I.
Then Carson took Carissa for swimming, and I went to IKEA for lil bit. They have great selections but I just don't have the money to spend :(. Only bought 2 step stool for icha ($4/each) :D
Afte the refreshing IKEA trip we went out to dinner with my brother and family. Again Carissa had a blast playing with Petra, she even gave Petra hugs.. like lots of hugs :) until Petra couldn't stand her. hahahahah. they're so cute together.
Went back to the hotel, Carissa slept with her daddy with no problem. But she woke up in the middle of the night to move to my bed and slept with me till 8:20-ish.

More pictures from the Day 02
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Minnesota Trip - Day 01
We left Ames around 12 today, I thought if we left around noon Carissa will take a nap in the car on our way there. Guess what?!! Nope.. not even a wink!
Anyway, we got to our Hotel (Holidays Inn Express) thought for the worst since we got it only for $47/night. But it's actually pretty nice, it's not as nice as double tree or mariott, but it's acceptable. It has a free shuttle to the Mall of America. So we took that options and headed there at 5pm.
When we got there Patrick already left :(, only spongebob was there. Carissa got so excited as we walked in to the mall since she saw spongebob pictures everywhere.
Then we saw Dora & Kai-Lan.
After dinner, we got a chance to say bye bye to Spongebob again, and went back to the hotel. Not long after that, Petra & family joined us. Petra and Icha went swimming together, it was a fun day.
Now it's 9:45pm and no sign of this baby will go to bed :(. Lights off I guess.
PS: this hotel give you free apples in their living room, Carissa already ate 3 apples today.
Here's the link to the pictures from today.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Iowa "Beach"
We took Carissa to Ames "beach" this afternoon after her nap. It's actually a pit, but it has sand and water, so we called it a "beach" :)
Carissa had a great time playing in the water and sand. But she likes to be in the deep water with no floaties on, so Carson wasn't really happy about that :D But afterall it was a fun day.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Sleep Training Completed
Sorry forgot to update you guys, the sleeping training has been completed and Carissa passed the training.
Wednesday night, Carson put her down for bed time and she didn't fuss a lil bit. She just went to bed without screaming. But in the middle of the night she woke up for diaper change, I went to her room changed her diaper and turn down the baby monitor since she's screamed for mommy.
But that's pretty much it, she slept till 8:30am that day.
All done.. BUT we will go on vacation soon.. I bet we had to re-train her again *sigh*. Anyway it only takes us 3 days to train her tho.. so it's not that bad.. she's a fast learner.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sleep Training Day 03
Last night she was so tired, she didn't get home till 9pm. She screamed for her daddy twice and then she's out.
Haven't woke up in the middle of the night at all this week, hopefully she'll stay the same. She's been waking up around 8.. 8:15am everyday. Even I got up before her these days.
Our goal here is to make her go to sleep without screaming or crying for us at all. So let's the training still go on. (sorry no pictures these days).
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sleep Training Day 02
Last night was great, she didn't wake up at all so everything went okay.
Day 02 - Nap
She asked me to read her a book, so I read her A book (just 1) and then I left the room. She cried, and asked for me to sit in the chair till she fell asleep. I ignored her request and went straight downstairs.
Silent...... under the cover.. playing with her dora doll.
Not too bad for nap..
we're late for bed time, went to Marcus football potluck, got home read 1 spongebob book. Daddy put her down, but then she screamed for him to rub her back.
She's OUT!
night night
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sleep Retraining - Day 01
Since our first family vacation on July 4th weekend, Carissa has been not as good as she used to be when she was younger. Recently she is more needy, she needs us to read her books after books after books. She asked us to rub her back, constantly whinning wants us to stay and sleep with her.
So we decided to retrain her.
This is Day 1, start from her nap,she was extremely mad at hysterical when we left her down for nap. So I ended up have to sit on the glider chair in her room, till she fell asleep.
Night time:
After bath time, Carson read her some books, said night night, she screamed for daddy for about 5 to 10 minutes. Then she's settling down, still not sleeping yet but no cry.
Now she's sleeping, we'll see what's gonna happen tonight. Usually she wakes up in the middle of the night for diaper change and then she will cry for us to sleep with her.
This will be the longest week... maybe month... we'll see.
Fun Family Picture
The only time I actually can make Carissa sit still and smile for the picture is when I put the camera on the couch and do self timer. She loves taking pictures that way, so funny... after the pictures taken she always wants to see what the picture look like right away. She will say "icha see see see"
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
25 months
My baby turns 25 months yesterday, what's new with her?
She likes to wear dresses now, and picky about which shoes she wears.
She doesn't like eating breakfast anymore beside milk
She talks ALOT, like ALWAYS talking even by herself
She stop signing unless someone ask her.
She calls every color is "yellow one"
She loves her Marcus
She likes to watch her youtube videos and read her blog
She likes to pretend wearing make up when I do mine
She's a drama princess
She loves computer and her nintendo DS *sigh* :D
She can tell you a story what happened today with full of dramatization
She likes to sing and dance
Fav TV Shows: Wonder Pets, Sponge Bob, Dora, Lil Bill, Blue's Clues