Friday, July 24, 2009

Ankeny Splash Park


On Wednesday we went to the Ankeny Splash Park. Ankeny is a town in between ames & Des moines. It's about 20 minutes drive from my place.

We went there, Carissa already so excited to play with water.

She played and I went ahead and put away my bags and towel.. few minutes later I saw a brat boy sprayed her with water and another boy pushed her down. She fell face first, I thought she was okay, but after I looked at her, her lip was bleeding and her knee bleeding too!!! ARGH!!! she was in pain but she still wanted to play.. but I decided it's time to go home. *sigh*

why boys need to be rough sometime??!! and where the *beep* was his parents!!!!


Carissa with blood dripping from her lip :(
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Christine Wu said...

Poor Carissa.... Jadi sedih jg. Kasian ya pdhal kan dia mau main. Emang tuh disini jg kl main di playground banyak anak2 yg lebih gede dr anak gw, tp kasar2 banget. Pernah anak gw mau ditendang! Untung gw selalu supervise, dan bisa dicegah. Parents nya mereka cuma duduk di bench yg jauhhhh banget dr playground dan ga ngawasin. Gw bilangin baik2 kl sama yg lebih kecil jgn main rough. Eh malah diomelin gw ama parentsnya......

Sorry jd panjang. :) Hopefully Icha gets to play at the splash park next time.

Destri Andorf said...

EMBER!! emang banget!! sebel banget deh.. ga seru jadnyaaa.

iyah moga2an next time dia ga trauma.. :D heheheh

BabyBeluga said...

Emang suka nyebelin deh, kadang gw suka mikir why us, gitu lho. Kalau udah kesel gw suka bilangin anak2 lain itu not to be so rough, bodo amat deh ortunya mau melotot juga.