Tuesday, July 7, 2009

my trouble 2 princess

Well.. the title of the blog speak on its own. She is such a strong-willed child, she knows what she wants and she actually know how to communicate it to us (especially me).

Last weekend we went to Omaha for our first family vacation, what happened was she found out that it's more fun to sleep with us than sleeping alone. She loves to get her back rub or scratch before she fell asleep. She loves to listen to LOTS of story before she closed her eyes.

SO... now we're back, she still wants to sleep with us, and she will find a LOT of ways to make us go lay down with her from "mommy read to me", or "dora potty!" (she wants to go potty, tho she's not really potty trained yet), the last but not the least "banana! eat banana" (this one is kinda tricky, since I don't want to starve her if she wants to eat banana) But once I gave her banana she will give half of her banana to marcus and had a bite only.

So yeah, Carissa is quite a character, she's so smart beyond her age, she knows how to get what she wants. She will ask for her daddy if she knows that mommy will not give it to her.

Today was her second day at the Giggles and Wiggles class. She cried for the good 40 mins out of 1 hr class. Since I have to leave her there and ran some errands. Oh well...

She came home and she actually could tell her daddy what happened (with a limitation of her vocabulary).

Back to the sleeping topic. Since she's been sleeping in her big bed for a while, now I put a big pillow in front of her bed so she can climb up to her bed. Right now, every time we put her down for nap or bed time, she will climb down from her bed and knock on her door asking for her mommy or daddy. We actually ignore that until she's tired and she will climb up her bed and tuck herself under her blanket and go to sleep (which is kinda cute).

Are we mean? kinda... but it's good for her. She knows it's time for bed and she knows if we once go up to her room every single time she cries or whine... she will do it EVERY SINGLE time!. *sigh* tough love. I do want to cuddle her every time I can. But she needs to learn to sleep by herself without us scratching her back. :D

Anyway, we have our ups and downs... but we love her so much :)

Good night my little princess...


Ernita said...

Growing up growing up... cute!!

Christine Wu said...

Hahahaha Icha is so cute! Making excuses to stay awake.