Costume #1: Cinderella

Costume #2: Vidia (Disney Fairy)

Mommy so tired from walking!!! but at least Carissa had so much fun. :) that's all that matter right.. :)
After her field trip yesterday, we went to Mc. Donalds and got some food to eat at the park. We had our little picnic since the weather was really nice yesterday.
Cae play on the swing for the very first time too. Carissa LOVES to push cae's swing and ran away when the swing came back to her. :D
Yesterday Carissa went to her first preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch. She had a great time, they had cookies & juice for snack and got a little pumpkin :).
They went to DeMoss Pumpkin patch, about 10 miles north from where we live, so it wasn't that far.. I drop her off, and I went back home so Cae could take her morning nap.