Tonight we went to the Indonesian Student Chinese New Year party, the dress code is red so I bought her a dress from TJ Maxx only for 7 bucks :D hehehehe. She looks so cute in a dress and tights and her black Mary Jane shoes.
I'll post more pictures once I got it from the other indonesian kids who took pictures at the party.
So far this weekend was fun too, Vone came over last night and help out with Carissa too! :) it's cute how she can actually call her te te too! :) I think she called her te te O. She has te te E (that's auntie E).
Okay time for night night for me... :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Chinese New Year Party
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
New Sunglasses & Scarf made by Mommy
Yes, finally we got the picture with her wearing her scarf and the new sunglasses but Carson had to hold both of her hands to make sure she didn't take them off! :) hahahaha
Isn't she the cutest!!! such a stylish girl (even tho she's not wearing any pants at the moment) :D
I finally got her scarf done! after a week working on it with some help from Vone too last weekend. Woohooo!! :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Chinese New Year Lunch
Today we went to Ankeny to have lunch with Ringga & AJ :). Then we stopped by at TJ Maxx and found this cute red dress (for only $7!!) for this saturday chinese new year party with the indonesian kids.
We all wear red today :) Here are some pictures from today
From CNY 2009 |
From CNY 2009 |
From CNY 2009 |
Carissa even got her first ang pao today from tante ringga (ang pao: Red envelopes are mainly presented at social and family gatherings such as Chinese weddings or on holidays such as the Lunar New Year. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is supposed to ward off evil spirits.)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Where's Icha??!!
Sorry.... Icha has been sick for the past week, nothing really bad.. just runny nose and lil bit cough here and there.. so yeah.. and I'm not sure whether we allow to give her anything medication wise. So if she doesn't have fever, usually I don't give her anything.
Anyway, last week was Carissa's last baby class in kindermusik. This coming Tuesday she'll be in Kindermusik Our Time, it's going to be a big kid class. I'm a lil bit anxious about it.. but we'll see. The class is designed for kids from 18 months to 3.5 years old. So she'll be the baby in the class.
I will post more pictures later... I'm already in my comfy bed now, so not gonna get up and go all the way downstairs to upload pictures.
This weekend we had a very fun girls slumber party :D hahaha. Vone had to stay over last night because her car's headlights broken (woohoo for me... heheheh). And then Kari and her son came over and stay overnight too!!! :) I had so much fun! we baked fudge brownies, and then watched movies, Vone & I sew sew sew.. while Icha playing with Doodoo (Declan).
Thanks girls!!! we had a blast!! need to do it more often *wink* :D
Tonight I made pho (rice noodle soup), Carissa loves all kind of noodles but she has her own styl how she eats her noodle. She usualy picks the longest noodle, put the middle noodle in her mouth and slurp it all the way. Then Carson was wondering what's it taste like eating like her. He tried it in front of her, and she laughs so hard when she saw her daddy imitated her. :) I wish I captured it!! next time I would.
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyy I'll post more pictures later okay :D nite nite :).
Monday, January 19, 2009
First Gymnastic Class
From First Gymnastic Class |
From First Gymnastic Class |
From First Gymnastic Class |
This morning we did a tryout for a gymnastic class for 18 months - 2.5 yrs old class. We did some stretches (well mommy helped her), and then the instructor already set up some obstacles and we just went through and tried whichever that she capable to do. But the thing is she's not good following instruction yet and Carson even have to set up a "bait" to make her climb or crawl through stuff.
But what impressed me was, she actually can hold on to those curl bar, and we helped her swing. :)
After the bar, we went on the trampoline.. I went up with her and do jumps on all the way to the end of the trampoline and let her run back :) she seems like that one :). Then after that we went to the "pool of foamy squares" no idea what they called it. It's pretty much a lil pool full of cube soft foams. Carissa loves this one too, she likes to slide down into it. So cute.. but I think she's still not ready yet but next semester for sure. Plus this club is kinda pricey too.. *sigh*.
From First Gymnastic Class |
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Saturday with the girls
Today Auntie Vone & Ramona came over to do some sewing project with mommy. So I got a chance to hang out with them :).
We went to Jo-ann in the morning to get some fabric, and then Icha went napping from 12 to 3! Then she just hangout with us till we're done sewing.
Here are some pictures that Auntie Vone took...
More pictures.... click here....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Let is snow.. let it snow...
We sure do got a LOT of snow, not fun at all.. but seems like Carissa likes to play out in the snow.. she always wants to take off her gloves and I'm just afraid she will get frost bite. :(
Anyway today the weather is slightly better at least there's no snow falling from the sky so we can go to Icha's music class. :).
I'm so thankful that our nice neighbors cleaned our driveway with their snow blower... so we don't have to shovel all the snow.. :(
Can you see our mailbox?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Icha & Pacifier
For your information, she stop taking pacifier when she's 2 months old, and now she found her baby pacifier in her toys bin. See what she did with it.. it took sometime for her to figure it out what is was. :D
My mommy is a spider woman
Icha pointed at her ball and start naming the people. She pointed at the Spider Woman and said "mama", the captain america and said "dada", then she pointed at Hulk and said "Bayk" (means Blayke)
Too cute!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
18 month check up
Height: 31.5" (45%)
Weight: 21 lbs 1 oz (5%)
Head: 48.2 cm (90%)
Immunizations: DTap #4 & Hep A #1 + TB skin test (since I have positive skin test but negative chest x-ray)
It wasn't fun at all... bah... good thing Carson came along with us. He held her the whole time :D So glad that it's over.. :D
PS: the dr. said Icha might have a big head (from Carson) since her whatever thing on her head hasn't closed yet. But she said she'll be a very smart girl :D and she'll be taller than me.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Library & Kindermusik
From Library & Kindermusik Class |
Playing Clifford at the library
From Library & Kindermusik Class |
From today's music class
Yesterday we went to the library after for not going there for ages. She had so much fun playing with the computer, pulling all the books from the shelf *sigh* :D
Today the Carissa's music class just started again after the winter break. She really miss the class. When Miss Judy opened the classroom door, she just stormed into the class room by herself :D.
We had so much fun today! I can't wait for the next semester class since Icha will be in a big girl class :).
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy 18 months young
What's new with her? lemme see what's an 18 months baby should be able to do:
Based on
18 months
• Will "read" board books on his own
• Scribbles well
• Strings two words together in phrases
• Brushes teeth with help
• Stacks four blocks
• Throws a ball overhand
• Takes toys apart and puts them back together
• Shows signs of toilet training readiness
Well all of them are yes, except the toilet training readiness... I think it's more mommy not ready to do it yet. :D Diapers are more fun when you run errand with baby :D
Words that she uses all the times:
• What's this, No, Okay
• Mama, Dada, Papa, Baba (grandma), titi E (auntie E), Bik (cousin blayke), petpet (cousin petra), baby
• Cartoon Character that she knows: Mimmie (Mickey & Minnie), Momo (Elmo), Cookie (cookie monster), Pete, Pooh, Duck (Donald Duck), Tikky
• Crackers
• Eat
• Ball, book, fish, ba, moo, puppy
• Please, hello, bye
• Night Night
and so much more...
Anyway, yes she talks alot.. She will have a dr. appintment on Wednesday I'll keep you guys posted :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
AJ got his first haircut!
Look at him!!! so cute!!! and he now officially look like a boy :D
AJ & his mommy spent the whole day with us, we even got a chance to cook together (it's been ages since we cook together). OOOo it was so much fun. Then we went to Smart Style where my best and nicest hair stylish work at.
Icha just sat in the shopping cart and waited till AJ done :).
AJ & Carissa (Almost 18 mos)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Stuff the Monkey!
One of my friends back home bought a lot of UNstuffed animals from here for her 2 yrs old birthday party activities. So for helping her out getting them and shipping them back home, Carissa got 1 doll and I pick the monkey.
Yesterday we finally got a chance to stuff it with polyfill (some stuffing for stuffed animals from hobby lobby).
Here are the pictures, it was fun! thanks tante chia!TA DAAAAAA we named her Fifi :)