Well seems like I always blog about how cute she is, or how smart she is... how silly she is..
Sometimes I forgot to share that she just a 2 yrs old.. who is going through a trouble 2 phase too. Like today, she just not being herself at all. She decided that she can peed anywhere, or pooped in her pull-ups. We had 3 peed accidents around the house.. and not to forget that she skipped her nap.
I think I told you guys before, when Carissa skipped her nap.. she became someone else, like being possessed and you don't want to see that. Even Carson, the most patience person I ever know in my life, gets really upset and I had to tell him to just leave us alone.
Tonight, she just screamed, screamed, and screamed.. threw everything that you handed to her. We had to pin her down to brush her teeth. I had to wrestle with her to put on her PJs.
Skipped story time, and let her go to bed. No.. she won't give up, she wants to be heard and she wants to be win. But that's not an option in my household. So we let her cried.. screamed.. banged on the door for about 15-20 mins. Until finally she gave up, tired, climbed to her bed, and fell asleep.
What got into her? I don't know.. but one thing I know.. she's 2 and she's normal...
Here are some tips that I found from online that what I have been doing to Carissa:
Step 1
. Count to five in your head before you act at all. This will give you a moment to consider your options.
Step 2
Ignore it. You can try ignoring it- sometimes the act of walking away form a child can snap him or her out of the bad behavior.
Step 3
Be quiet. By speaking quietly yourself to the child, he or she will need to stop screaming/yelling in order to listen to you.
Step 4
Distract. Often you can snap a child out of a tantrum by completely changing the subject. When a child is throwing a fit because they want candy, ask them "Would you like to have chicken or hamburgers for dinner?"
Step 5
Fight or Flight. Decide whether you will be able to negotiate the child into a calm mood (for example, quietly say "If you stop crying, I will read you a book.") or whether you simply need to physically remove the child from his or her current environment.