Sunday, June 28, 2009
Nevada Aquatic Center
We went to the aquatic center last wednesday and forgot to update this blog. Here are some pictures from the aquatic center.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Carissa first Wedding Party
Today Carissa went to her first wedding party. She didn't sit at the ceremony tho, since I know there's on way she will sit still for that whole 30 mins unless dora or elmo on the stage dancing. :D
Once we're at the reception she loves twirling and running in circle, playing with other kids. It was a very fun day for her. :)
For more pictures please click here.
also not to forget to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! :)
Wading Pool with Petra
This morning the weather was nice, so we decided to go to Brookside park so Petra & Carissa can play together in the wading pool. They had so much fun!! I wish they live closer to us now.. :(
Here are some great pictures my brother took today.After the park we went have dinner at our house since Petra wanted to go to Carissa's house :) she's so cute!!!
Carissa & Petra Part I
Melissa & Oke are in town for one of our friends' wedding. Plus they just celebrated their 5th year anniversary. They went out on a dinner date last night and I baby sat petra. It was very fun to see Carissa & Petra interact with each other. We played play-doh and then we ate some dinner.
After that since the weather was really nice, we played with water in our backyard. Since I have no bathing suit for both of them, I just put them in a swimming diaper :D hehehehe they're so cute tho!! :)
More pictures to come today.. we're going to the brookside park and then wedding in the afternoon.
Swimming Day with the Family
Last Wednesday we went swimming to Carr Pool, it was such a nice day to swim here are some pictures from that day
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New Chair
Found this cute chair at a garage sale yesterday, and I repainted it and did some fun princessy theme on it. :) It's not as great as I thought it would be.. but it's good enough for my first project :D
Mingming & Spongebob
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Carissa & the boys
Play cook with Marcus
The boys are here with us now, for more info why now we have 2 extra boys you can read it on my blog
Saturday, June 6, 2009
New Playdoh toy
PS: Tonight was the first night that she actually got off from her big girl bed.. TWICE since she slept on the big girl bed. Hopefully she'll settle down here shortly and go night night... oo and by the way she's 23 months old now :D
Scandinavian Days Part 2
After the parade, we went to have lunch at this very small but REALLY GOOD restaurant in story city called The Bistro. I love their french onion soup. Even carissa ate very good today I was surprised.
After lunch we walked around and Carissa saw clowns for the second time, she didn't scared at all. The clown made her a very cute bug balloon hat :). Overall she had a great day today we went home and she took 2.5 hrs nap :).
Friday, June 5, 2009
Scandinavian Days Part 1
This afternoon after Carson got back from work, we went to Story City for the Scandinavian Days. Since they have free train ride just for Friday. So we took advantage of that :), this time she had to go by herself.. I was kind of scared that she will panic and cried. But she did great :) she looked for us but once she saw us, she's fine :).
Tomorrow will go again for the parade and lunch with friends. :)