
Friday, October 24, 2008

New Coat

From 10/24/08

I got this coat from target for $10 yesterday. It's not a wool coat but pretty warm for rainy day :)

Isn't she cute?!! I think she's more stylish than her momma now..

Her mom only shop at Goodwill these days *sigh*

From 10/24/08

Before her nap time today, she told me (well.. signed me technically) that she wants a banana. So I peeled the skin a lil bit and let her hold it. She ate it like a big girl. Once the banana almost done, she gave the skin to me. Such a big girl!! :)


  1. Suit suit..Icha keren loh pake jacket baru. Gedean dikit pake long coat + boot, cantik banget deh pasti.

    Bisa makan pisang lep gitu yah Des? Dea masih dikerok loh.

  2. hihihihih, iya nih si icha giginya dah buanyak banget... 4 atas dan 8 bawah.. kemaren aja kita kasih makan KFC hauhauahua. :D

  3. eh des, kayanya divi ma icha bisa deh jadi kakak adik hahah soale, tau ga coat nya merah itu? mirip plek ama divi punya warna biru, GAP hahahah lucu lucu... kok bisa ya aneh :)
