Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Thank you & please

Thank you


After attending 3 classes of baby talk at our public library, Carissa has learned 2 more signs. She already knew 'more', 'milk', 'sleepy' and 'all done'. Today she actually signed 'thank you' & 'please' :D so cute. I think she still get 'eat' & 'thank you' mixed up sometimes. But it's okay.. we get it.. :)

Some people hesitant to teach their baby sign language, because they're afraid will slow the speaking ability of their babies. I think as long as you sign while you say the word, should be okay. Plus I heard usually baby who speak more than 1 language intent to speak later than the one-language speaking babies.

If you're interested in teaching your baby sign language, here's a useful site for you Born2Sign.

I think it's nice for us that Carissa can actually "communicate" to us rather than screaming like a monkey :D. (tho she still scream once in a while when she gets frustrated).


Sucre Maple said...

thanx buat linknya, des.. ntar tak coba ke matt, hehe..